This comic reads right-to-left.
Here’s the second page of Iwasaki Tatsuya’s comic “Romantic No. 17”, which I’ve re-inked and colored. This page escalates things, with 17 using 16’s hands to restrain and expose his sister.
This comic reads right-to-left.
This is the first page of a doujin by artist Iwasaki Tatsuya. I first started coloring this doujin about five years ago. I got pretty far with re-inking it, but then eventually ended up forgetting about it for a long time. I came across it again at the same time I picked up Mickey and the Queen to resume coloring. I didn’t want to pick both projects back up at the same time, so I decided to wait a while before returning to it. Eventually I did get back to it, and while my approach to coloring has changed since I first started this, I’ve decided to try picking up where I left off instead of starting it over. Like with my other coloring projects, I’ll add new pages to the Post Schedule as I finish coloring them.
So here’s the next page of Skillet91’s comic “Vegeta vs. Android 18’s Feet”, inked and colored by yours truly. Sorry the pages for this are as slow as they are; Skillet’s style is very detailed and can be a bit chaotic which makes it harder to ink.
At this point, Vegeta seems to have given up on fighting 18 at all and is focusing on goading her into kicking him more. Personally I think the impact of a kick would negate the erotic notion of being close to 18’s feet, but then again I don’t have proud Saiya-jin blood pumping through my veins. Maybe it’s different for them.
This is the second page to Vegeta vs. Android 18’s Feet, a comic done by my good friend Skillet91 that I have volunteered to ink and color. This comic is gonna come out pretty slow here, I’m afraid. Skillet’s art style can be pretty complex and detail-heavy, which is a strain on my admittedly slow and clunky method of inking. I think the final result is pretty good, though, and eventually I’ll be able to persist my way through the full thing.
Skillet91 is an artist I’ve been following for a while, and not too long ago I found out that he was also following my work. I’ve been supporting him and when he started posting drafts for this new comic I was immediately interested. I’d been wanting to color his work even before we started communicating, and this was the perfect chance to try it out. So I’m going to do my best to bring this new comic of his to life. I know there’s nothing really sexual going on here on this first page, but I’m really happy with how my coloring approach looks on his lineart. I’m excited to get to the later pages and show them to you guys in the months ahead. ^_^
This is the one-shot comic for February, which was completed one month ago today. Not only did my supporters get to the this comic (at full size) then, but they also voted for its content the month before. I believe the person who submitted this comic concept referred to it as “Gohan’s Harem” or something along those lines, but the idea is fairly clear. There’s some kinda time travel shenanigans going on in this comic, but given that we’ve seen that sort of thing before in this room, that hopefully won’t keep anyone from enjoying this comic.
The final Near Hentai Monthly Lady of 2017 is Android 21, the new character introduced in the upcoming game “Dragon Ball FighterZ”. Based on what I’ve seen of her in trailers and such she appears to be the main villain of the game, but I decided to pair her with Android 18. After so many years of being the only female android, it only seemed right to pair her with her new “sister”, even if she is evil (though we’ll see when the game comes out).
Now that this month’s entry is up, I’m going to start taking nominations for next month’s featured lady. The rules are pretty simple: Nominations are open to everyone, but only one per person. Nominees must be someone I have not drawn in the past year, though I recommend going with women I’ve never drawn before. Also, just this month, I won’t be posting any Dragon Ball women. I know Dragon Ball is popular around here, but the past two ladies have both been from that show and I would like a change of pace. On the first of January, I will use a random selector to generate a winner from the list of nominees, and sometime that month I’ll draw her.