Tag Archives: Izuku Midoriya

August ’22 One-Shot

Here’s the One-Shot for August! The theme for the script that won this time around was Trunks and Goten invading the U.A. dorms. The script called for either the End of Z or the new Super Hero designs of Goten and Trunks, which was a toss-up for me. I kinda prefer Trunks’ lavender hair, I only really liked the blue coloring for Future Trunks as a way to distinguish him from the main timeline version. On the other hand, I do like the tweaks to Goten’s design, as I feel he looks a bit more like Goku’s kid than Yamcha’s now. In the end I went with the Super Hero designs, just because I hadn’t used them yet and I figured people might appreciate the novelty.

Coed Capers After Lights Out, Page 5

Here’s the fifth page of Coed Capers! Like always, this page was written by my supporters on SubscribeStar. We finally get a bit of straight action, though surprisingly enough it also seems like the comic is winding down already. I kind of expected this one to run longer, but it’s possible the next page will be our last.

Mirio Togata Character Ask 1

Historically, I always assumed that if I ever drew Mirio, it’d be with Deku. That ended up not being the case, due to Eri’s NHML win, but now that he’s in the Studio it was only a matter of time until I did something with these two. I didn’t see much of their relationship before I stopped watching MHA, but I do think their friendship is cute and they make for a natural pairing.

Syaoran Li Character Ask 1

I think this is the first time I’ve drawn Syaoran outside of a commission. The three times I’ve drawn him before were all commissions from back when I had the Epic Tier on Patreon, but I thought this would be a good chance to do something different with him (pairing him with a human, letting him be barefoot, what-have-you). Since the Ask mentioned the Studio, I took that as an invitation to pair him with a character from a different franchise. I picked Deku just ’cause I thought it’d be cute and he doesn’t get to top outside of MHA pics that often.

Coed Capers After Lights Out, Page 4

Here’s the fourth page of Coed Capers. As always, it’s written by taking ideas submitted by my supporters on SubscribeStar: https://subscribestar.adult/nearphotison

There were several scripts focusing more on the girls this time around. I do feel like they’ve been a bit neglected so far, so I used these ideas and we even got a little yuri in there. I think the final page turned out pretty fun, even if Gohan and Deku got a bit sidelined as a result. I’m sure they’ll have plenty more to do when page five rolls around.

January ’22 One-Shot

Like all of my monthly One-Shot comics, the script for this one was submitted by one of my Subscribers on SubscribeStar. The stated premise behind this one was to mix up three popular yaoi pairings that they liked (Gon/Killua, Izuku/Bakugou, and Goten/Trunks). The posing was left up to me, and I tried to vary up the type of action we got to see between them.

Ochaco Uraraka Character Ask 5

There might be a bias here, because I’m going mostly off what people share on my Discord, but it seems like art depicting Deku with futa versions of the MHA girls is pretty popular. I don’t usually do futa if there’s not a narrative explanation for it, but since it’s been established that the NHS shop has futa beans available for sale, I figured Ochaco could use one for this Ask. I don’t have too much to add to this one, I think… I just kinda liked the idea of doing a Deku/futa Ochaco pic.

Kizuku Midyck Character Ask 1

I kinda figured people would want to see Kizuku and Goto together eventually, and here we are. When I made Goto’s Fusion pic, I put him in a room I’ve used sometimes for One-Shots, including the one in the background here. I thought it was funny that all four parts of these two had been in a One-Shot together already, and I decided to use this Ask to highlight that piece of trivia for anyone who would find it interesting.