Tag Archives: My Hero Academia

Son Goku Character Ask 7

So this Ask could’ve been answered with just Goku talking to the camera, but then I thought it’d be neat to try and show him with some random crossover boy (even though he doesn’t really have an actual answer to the question. I ended up adding two more boys just ’cause… I’d never accept an Ask that demanded this many characters, but since it was my own decision it’s okay. ^_^; I went with three random boys, trying my best to avoid any sort of theme or anything with the selections. Just three boys who would be in the studio. I guess Goku’s pretty popular around the NH Studio, and he’s such an easy-going guy that he just goes along with whatever.

Gohan and Uraraka Character Ask 1

I’ve never combined multiple Asks like this before, but here I felt like it fit. Both Gohan and Uraraka got questions basically looking to see what crossover pairings they might get into, but I think they make a good pairing themselves! I think Uraraka would be attracted to Gohan for a lot of the same traits that draws her to Midoriya, and I think Gohan would reciprocate. So here we are. ^_^

Take It Like a Man

I think I’ve mentioned before not being crazy about Bakugou and Deku as a couple, but Kirishima’s a much better fit for him in my mind. Nothing against anyone’s preferred ship, of course, but for my tastes this is a much cuter and more fitting pairing. There’s also just something about Bakugou’s personality that makes seeing him on bottom work well for me, and hopefully you all will agree.

Izuku Midoriya Character Ask 8

So, this Character Ask is in reference to a previous one I did directed at Kota. It seems like Kota and Midoriya have grown closer since then. I don’t know how much there is to their relationship beyond the physical, but Kota’s found he quite enjoys servicing Deku, and Deku seems to be alright with being on the other end from how I usually draw him.

Also, here’s a new episode of “Near Talk”. This episode I mostly talk about my own experiences getting started as an artist and try to offer a bit of advice where I can.

Hero Support 1

This is the first of a two-pic series focusing on Mei Hatsume and Izuku Midoriya of My Hero Academia. I always liked Mei and wanted to draw her, so when I was looking for something fun and simple to do between larger projects she came to mind. I just love her expression and general attitude. I don’t know when I’ll get around to the follow-up image, but I know what I want it to be. It’ll come around some time.

Also, I’m very excited to announce the release of chapter two of Stained Capes, my ongoing hero corruption fiction story. If you’re interested, you can find it here: https://nearhentai.com/literature/stained-capes-chapter-two-the-breaking-of-nightwave/

Uraraka Dildo Riding

So I enjoy a lot of homemade porn, and I’ve seen a lot of girls do a shot similar to this. I got the urge to convey something similar, and after a little thought settled on Ochaco Uraraka from My Hero Academia. For some reason this fit her in my mind, and honestly I feel like I haven’t drawn her as much as I would like. I usually get a little nervous portraying characters in pics where their face isn’t visible, but I decided to double down and just show the back of her head. I think her hair design is distinct enough that she’s still recognizable.

Kota Izumi Character Ask 1

So Kota became an option for Character Asks after he appeared in his aunt’s NHML pic. For those who don’t know, Kota punches Midoriya in the balls early on, but comes to regret it later after Midoriya risks his life to save him. He brings up remorse for the punch a few times after being saved, so it made sense to me that he’d want to make amends for that by giving Midoriya’s balls some gentle loving.
Originally I was going to have Kota not wearing his signature hat, but then when I pictured him bashfully peeking out from under the brim the image was so cute I decided to keep it on. Hope you all like!

July ’18 One-Shot

Here is the One-Shot comic page selected by my supporters last month. This is another one of those “four unconnected panels” ones, but it did give me the excuse to finally do some Assassination Classroom work, as well as use Clementine again in something other than a Character Ask. Hope everyone likes the pic.

Also, I did another Q&A video recently.

Studio Tour 2 – Zangya/Jiro

So here’s the second installment of my “Studio Tour” series, where we take a look around the imaginary Near Hentai Studios and the action that goes on there. This particular picture has a bit of a history, as originally this series was going to be focuses exclusively on Zangya paired with random characters, and this was going to be the first entry (because I really like Jiro and wanted to draw her again). When I adjusted the concept to be more about the studio as a whole, I pushed this one back to the second entry so I could do the introductory pic with Siat, Chi-Chi and C.C. Speaking of Siat, the green text box is meant to be her narrating to us, and that’s a late addition. I love context, and this context was originally just going to be in this text accommodating the picture, but I decided to add it into the picture itself last-minute.
The idea that Zangya would get close to the girls from My Hero Academia who are in the studio actually came about because of my Discord. You see, I teased this picture there a long while back, saying I was working on a yuri pic of Zangya and a girl from MHA, but not who. This lead to a lot of guessing and speculation, and I realized I liked several of the potential pairings, so I decided to establish this connection so we can maybe get Zangya paired up with several different ladies from that series in later installments.