So at first I thought it’d be best to put Gon in an outfit like a french maid or whatever, some kind of stereotypical fetish outfit. But then I remembered the Gold Dust Girl, a trading car/video game NPC in the Greed Island arc which is basically the only character Killua shows attraction to in the anime (that I can recall). This joke in the show is probably just based on the fact that her trading card image shows her naked in a tub, but regardless I thought it’d be cute if he projected that interest to Gon by wanting to see him cosplay her. Also it was fun to put Gon’s hair in a different style.
Month: April 2018
So this is the third and final follow up to the “Gotham Academy New Year’s” commission I did back in January. The pairing here is June Moon, the Enchantress, and Pomeline Fritch, one of the supporting cast members of Gotham Academy. These are the two characters out of this commission series I know the least (I’m more familiar with Marvel’s Enchantress, and Pomeline barely appears in what Gotham Academy I’ve read), but I like how this pic turned out. The idea here is, since Harley used a two-pronged strap-on and Ivy used a double-ended dildo, Enchantress has used her magic to create a cock for herself. Pomeline seems to be enjoying it.
So this Ask was one I went back and forth on for a number of reasons. This was this person’s second question this month, and the reason he deleted his original one in exchange for this one was that I let it slip that the question he’d asked was only going to be a “character talking to camera” type thing (probably kinda like what this one is, if you removed Raven from the picture completely). Knowing that he wanted something more sexual, I tried my best to think of sexy presents (and actual presents, nothing that would really be a present for BB or anything like that). I kinda gave up on that ’cause it just didn’t feel right. Instead I thought it’d be funny if Beast Boy went out of his way to try and get something thoughtful for Raven (I can almost picture a montage in the style of the show of Beast Boy going through mysterious book shops and maybe even exploring ancient lost civilizations and such in a really funny way). She likes musty old books of magic and sorcery, right? Naturally he thought she’d like this one, and she did, but as we can see this book contains more than just words inside its pages. Anyway, I was really happy with this final concept, even if it’s not a full-blown XXX type thing or whatever. Also, I just really enjoyed getting to draw Beast Boy with a more exaggerated comedic face like the kind he’d sometimes pull out in the show.
Horohoro doesn’t socialize much with the other talent around Near Hentai studios, preferring to just hang out with Yoh and the others from Shaman King. Even so, he seems to know who the most popular talents are, at least. I tried doing this one as “standing around doing nothing but still naked” like before, with a shot of his cute little butt. Hope y’all like it!

At some point in my career I seem to have just given up on good titles for my pics. :\
So for a long while I was wanting to do a cute ass-to-ass double-ended dildo pic with a female and male participant (although doing FF and MM pairings with this same type of pose would be fun, too). I was looking for pairings that I thought would be cute, then I remembered the chemistry these two had in “Batman and Harley Quinn” and decided to go with that. This pairing had the added bonus of ripped open tights, a look I’m fond of. Hope you guys enjoy.
I went back and forth on how to handle this one for a long time. I felt like the asker was probably hoping to see either Meowth fucking Pikachu or Pikachu fucking Meowth, but something about that just didn’t sit right with me. Given the relationship Meowth and the rest of Team Rocket has on the show, where they’re mostly antagonists but occasionally allies, I can see how shipping could occur between members of the two groups. Meowth was even a part of Ash’s team for a few episodes in Best Wishes (though it was ultimately just a ruse). So maybe somewhere along the way they would’ve had the chance to hook up, but ultimately the status quo is that Meowth wants to catch Pikachu, and so Pikachu would likely never trust him enough to consent (outside of those rare moments where they’re allies), and Meowth’s attempts at catching him are ineffective enough that he probably wouldn’t get the chance to do much in a non-con type of way. So, this is the response I felt best reflected their relationship.
Skillet91 is an artist I’ve been following for a while, and not too long ago I found out that he was also following my work. I’ve been supporting him and when he started posting drafts for this new comic I was immediately interested. I’d been wanting to color his work even before we started communicating, and this was the perfect chance to try it out. So I’m going to do my best to bring this new comic of his to life. I know there’s nothing really sexual going on here on this first page, but I’m really happy with how my coloring approach looks on his lineart. I’m excited to get to the later pages and show them to you guys in the months ahead. ^_^