Month: February 2020

Near Hentai Studio Tour – “Frog” Version

PC Version –
Mac Version –

Hello all! I know it’s been a while, but last night I finally wrapped up production on the second update for Near Hentai Studios Tour: The Game. This update is focused on Froppy, who ended up with a little more content than Sora. She’s got four unlockable scenes in your room, plus a bonus “spying” scene in the new Locker Room location that plays out differently depending on her affection for you. There’s also another hidden scene in the Locker Room that’ll randomly play at a certain time of day, plus a new Strip Club show that can be randomly accessed.

I’ve begun production on the next update, but it’ll probably be a while before it’s wrapped up. I know I say this a lot, but I’m making this by myself while still releasing other art pieces daily, so it’s best to keep expectations low when it comes to wait times between updates. Once I’ve finished the update you’ll be able to know because it’ll show up in the Post Schedule. If you don’t see it listed there, then it’s safe to assume I’m still working on it. ^_^

I hope those of you who play the game will have lots of fun finding the new content! I’m really happy with how the game is progressing so far. I know it’s super simple compared to other projects by more experienced creators, but I’m enjoying making it and it seems like folks are enjoying playing it.

April Anal

April O’Neil is one of those characters I find myself getting the itch to draw from time to time, despite not having watched any of her version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (or really any version) for a long while. However, when I get that itch, I usually just sketch out a handful of pics and never do anything with them… This time when I felt like doing something with her, I picked out this older pic that looked like it’d be simple to flesh out and ran with it. Fun fact, the original sketch didn’t have any turtle in it besides the dick, but I decided to add in a bit more so we could see some of the clothing. This allowed me to do four variants of this pic, which I think is fun. You can watch April get her ass filled by whichever turtle is your favorite, or maybe you’d like to think of them swapping out and taking turns stretching her asshole. Whatever floats your boat.

Killua’s Feet

So, this is another Mini Commission. The client behind this piece asked for something showing off Killua’s feet and with him spreading his asshole, and used the older Mini Commission “Gon’s Feet” as an example (hence the titling of this pic). That Gon pic had a more severe camera angle, I realize now, but I hope this pic is still to the client’s liking. I hope you all like it, too. ^_^

Ash Ketchum Character Ask 9

Double Love Triangle may be over, but I’m sure all six of our stars from that project will stay in touch. Much like the kids from Sleepover Raid, meeting new people on set for a project like these can lead to lasting friendships (provided they don’t turn into the opposite, bitter rivalries). I knew the answer to this one wouldn’t be super interesting by itself, but I thought it’d be fun to spice it up by having another boy from the comic involved. I do like how Ash doesn’t even acknowledge Midoriya rimming him, though.

Cheelai Pressed

So I decided to do another Cheelai pic. I’ve been wanting to try out something like this for a while, and I figured Cheelai and Broly would be good for it. Not only do I get to draw the little green slut again, but Broly’s fans get a pretty nice view to go with it. Hope you all like, I may try using this basic presentation again with someone else in the future.

Also, here’s the Q&A video I did last month, if anyone’s interested:

Vegeta Character Ask 3

I really must apologize for Vegeta’s response here. I don’t know why he insists on being so rude to our dear supporters whenever he answers one of their questions.
While I’ve drawn these three together a handful of times in the past, I think it’s always been in the context of Bulma and Trunks both bottoming for Vegeta. Father and son working over the mother is something I haven’t done with the Briefs yet, to my recollection, so here it is.

Kipo x Wolf

So I recently watched Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts, a new Dreamworks series on Netflix. I really enjoyed it, and I was also immediately drawn to Kipo and Wolf, the main two female leads. Kipo’s the pinkish-purplish girl on top in this pic and the titular character, and Wolf is the younger girl underneath her. I think they’re both super cute, and I enjoyed seeing their friendship develop over the course of the first season. I don’t know how much I’ll be drawing them in the future, but I’m definitely open to the idea of returning to this series in the future.