I took way longer of a break from this series than I intended to, but I finally got around to finishing this one and completing the original trio from the anime. I waffled a bit on if I wanted to do Brock, since it seems most people aren’t as interested in him as some of the softer boys from the series, but in the end I decided he deserved a good dicking as much as the next guy and went ahead with it. Moving on, I plan to focus on a specific duo who’s prominent in the series for the next two updates. Hopefully those won’t take as long to come out!
Not the jelly donut

He got a good decent booty
I really like Brock.
From his looks, characteristics, color, age diferences compared to Ash..
I think he could be passive or active.
In addition to having a big ass, it would be nice to see bigger “moobs” and nipples, maybe “low hanging balls” and hair hidden by your clothes.
Great work, thanks!
The “Jelly Donuts” joke/reference it’s definitly the highlight of this pic lmao.
Nice one!