Eren Jaeger Character Ask 2

Since this question didn’t include the last name of the recipient, and due to the spelling, I recognize there’s a chance this Ask was actually meant for Erin Esurance (the only Erin in the Studio). However, knowing the subscriber behind this question, I feel safe in assuming it was meant for Eren Jaeger. I know Eren looks a bit different in the current point of the manga and anime, but like Gohan (and others) I’m going to stick with an earlier, cuter design.
It’s true that Eren has not appeared much in my work, largely because I find the art style of Attack on Titan immensely unsexy (though I don’t intend this as a criticism of the series, the look it has is intentional and purposeful, I just don’t think it makes for good porn). Eren himself isn’t that different from most generic shounen protagonists in design, but I’d much rather draw almost any of them. However, that doesn’t mean he hasn’t been having fun off-camera, just because I don’t have any interest in drawing him. I know that AoT has a lot of fans, though, and I thought some of them might like this excuse to look at Eren’s bussy.

Toon Smash

This commission brings together three fairly similar properties. The blonde here is Holli Would from Cool World, a film that often described as a darker, more adult-themed spin on Who Framed Roger Rabbit, while Bonkers here is basically Disney’s attempt to make a Who Framed Roger Rabbit cartoon series without having to negotiate copyright with the other studios tied to that film. And of course, Jessica Rabbit herself is from the movie both these other franchises are often compared to. Holli and Jessica are both characters I’ve flirted with drawing in the past, but just haven’t for one reason or another. Now that the ice has been broken with them, maybe I can return to one or both somewhere down the line. We’ll see.

Carnal Kingdom – Tiabeanie For Sale

Here’s another commission in the Carnal Kingdom universe, featuring another famous lass up for sale. I’d actually been thinking of doing something with Bean again already, so it was a pleasant surprise to see her chosen for this month’s commission. This time they decided to allude to how Bean here got captured with a little insert panel, to add a bit of levity to the pic. Like with the previous “For Sale” commissions, the plan is to follow this up next month with Bean and her buyer, so look forward to that.

Wendy NHML

Is this a vanilla frosty?
The Near Hentai Monthly Lady for April is Wendy’s mascot… Wendy. Wendy got a lot of fanart back when Wendy’s Twitter became a bit of a meme, with people ascribing the Twitter’s sassy attitude to an anime bratty version of the character. Even though that trend is pretty dead by now, I decided to lean into that interpretation of the character a bit for this pic. I thought her getting gangbanged by, I presume, Wendy’s patrons sounded kinda fun.
With this post, NHML nominations for the month of May are now open. For those who don’t know, I’ll run down the rules real quick. Nominations are limited to one per person. You can nominate any female character you want, provided I have not drawn her within the past calendar year (though I prefer characters I’ve never drawn, period). Previous NHML winners are not eligible for a second time. Nominees must also not be from the same franchise as this month’s winner, although I guess that’s not really an issue this time around. If you violate any of those rules, I’ll let you know, and you can nominate someone else. I know it can be hard to keep track of these things. You may nominate by either commenting in the cBox, commenting on this post, or emailing me ( I’ll compile a list of the nominees in the sidebar of this site, and then on May 1st I will use a randomizer to select the winning character who I will proceed to draw sometime that month. I look forward to seeing who you all nominate this time around!

EcchiMask – Sharing My Dad, Page 10

If you’d like to see more of EcchiMask’s art, you can find his (SFW) DeviantArt here:
And his (NSFW) HicceArs here:
And his y!Gallery here:
And here is where he posts most of his adult work:

Here’s the tenth page of EcchiMask’s comic “Sharing My Dad”, which I’ve provided colors for. Having been found out, Ash tries to quickly excuse himself from this awkward situation, but Gohan has a better idea.

Luck Voltia Character Ask 3

I’m not sure how to talk about this one, and I feel like I will probably not represent my thought process well. I don’t really know Luck that well, but I don’t picture him sitting around daydreaming about meeting someone in the Studio like some characters might. I know he likes to seek out powerful opponents, and that might parallel into his Studio self wanting to seek out, like… big cocks or something, but it just didn’t sit right with me. Similarly, I’ve had some Asks I’ve had to pass over trying to pair Luck up with other eclectic-powered characters based solely on their powers being related. I don’t want to do those Asks, because I feel like they’re inviting answers with a lot of electricity flying around, or some electroshock stuff that I just don’t have any interest or intention of drawing. So this is sort of a compromise between a couple of different Luck Asks I didn’t feel I could work with, in an attempt to still give people some Luck yaoi crossover action I hope they will like.

Lorraine Dumpsey Bio

I know the past several bios I’ve released have been for the Bates family story I’m working on with CCat, but this is not related to that project. Lorraine here represents a character type I’ve been mulling over for, gosh… a couple years now, I guess. I was inspired to work with someone off her by a little 3D comic I saw a long time ago, and I decided to go ahead and lock down her design for future use. My current plan is for my next Applebridge Snapshot comic to be focused on Oliver and Wren, whenever that is, but there’s a good chance the Snapshot after that will be the first installment of Lorraine’s story and the fate that awaits her.

Facial Memorial

So this one might feel like it’s coming out of nowhere for a lot of people, and I can see why. For background, Tokimeki Memorial is an older game that’s widely looked to as the codifier and popularizer of the dating sim genre. There’d been some dating sims before it, of course, but Tokimeki Memorial was the first big mainstream dating sim produced by a major gaming company (Konami). Shiori Fujisaki is the main girl of this game, the one on the cover of the game, its soundtracks, it’s spin-off media, etc. She’s the main character’s childhood friend and a pure cinnamon bun of a high school girl, the hardest girl to get the good ending on. I’ve been learning about Tokimeki Memorial lately, and in the process Shiori’s been put on a bit of a pedestal for me. Knowing so many young men in the nineties spent countless hours working just to unlock a cutscene where she confesses her love to them makes her feel pretty special, even if I know she probably would not be the girl I would go after first, second or even third in that game.
At any rate, while learning about this tame, PG dating sim, I couldn’t help but think about my own, slightly less-than PG game. I just got really attached to the idea of being able to have this iconic, historically relevant dating sim girl in my game at some point. Now, that’s not to say I definitely plan to add her at some point or anything, but I wan enamored enough just by the possibility that I decided to draw her to officially bring her into the Studio. Maybe she’ll show up in the Studio Tour in some later update, maybe not, but I like having the option. If people like Shiori I’d be happy to draw her again outside of the game, too, in Asks or maybe in pics with some of the other Tokimeki Memorial ladies.

Bennett Character Ask 1

So I don’t play or know much about Genshin Impact. All I know about Bennett is he’s an adventurer with bad luck who picks up a lot of injuries. Maybe off of that I could’ve paired him up with a woman who plays into his gimmick, I don’t know, but nobody really came to mind (and there’s no women from Genshin Impact in the Studio yet). I decided to go instead with a random pairing for this Ask, picking Mermista from She-Ra for a handful of reasons. One is that she definitely has the right energy for pegging; it’s very easy to picture her being the top in a heterosexual relationship. Another is just that I thought her colors would compliment Bennett’s colors well. Lastly, I just really like Mermista and had already been thinking of doing something with her again. So even if there’s no thematic element tying these two together, I think for the purposes of Bennett expanding his experience I can see them teaming up.

Near’s Drag Race – Killua Zoldyck

I knew from the very beginning I wanted to bring Killua into this series, it was only a matter of when. I decided now was as good a time as any, so here he is! I based his look here off a couple of different outifts he wears in the series itself, with some extra flair of my own. He ended up with a bit of a punk look, which I think compliments him well. Killua won’t be the last boy from Hunter × Hunter in this series, I’m sure. I’m hoping to eventually use both Gon and Kurapika, at the very least, somewhere down the line. For now, though, I’m going to go back to the Dragon Ball boys for the next entry. I’ve got two boys from that show who are going to make repeat appearances (due to having different designs I wanted to use), and the first of those repeats will be the next Trap Sluts pic.