Vaati Character Ask 1

The funny thing about this Ask is that I actually know nothing about Vaati. I’ve never played any of the games he’s in and, in fact, hadn’t even heard of him before he was commissioned (by the same person both times, who was also the asker of this question). This means my interpretation of him is based pretty much entirely on the way he’s been commissioned. I like this reading, though, and I hope it’s not too out of character for him.

Ludibrio Chronicles, Ch. 1 – Liberum Commutatio 09

If you would like to see the original clip starring Alexa and Geizer that this is ripped from, you can find it here:

This is the penultimate page of the first chapter to the Ludibrio Chronicles. I hope you guys have been enjoying this chapter so far. While it’s lighter on plot than some of the other ones I have planned, I really do think it’s a good baseline introduction to the Ludibrio and the setting their stories take place in. The last page of this chapter will go up sometime next month, and then we can start a new chapter with new characters.

Noel Cypress Tribute

Recently I got the itch to put one of my favorite porn stars (and good friend) Noel Cypress to music. I’d been toying with this idea of doing a live action PMV (Porn Music Video) for some time, and even made a couple I decided not to share. However, since I actually know the subject of this one, I handed it over to her, and Noel decided to release it publicly as a way to promote her impressive library of clips available for sale (available here). I’m glad this passion project of mine was able to see some use, and I hope you guys will enjoy it. There’s something about setting porn to music that really fascinates and excites me.

I don’t much think I’ll be making too many of these PMVs, for reasons that are a bit complicated. However, I do plan to do at least one more featuring my other close porn friend Anya Lykke, so maybe that will crop up around here sometime in the next couple months.

Siat Wildstar Character Ask 1

This Ask came as a bit of a surprise! I knew Anya had been thinking about Siat lately, but I still hadn’t ever actually expected her to get asked anything. For those who don’t know who she is, Siat Wildstar was the protagonist of a comic I tried doing from 2011-2014. It had a real good run and I enjoyed doing it, but other pressures kind’ve got in the way and I haven’t released a new page in forever. It was fun to draw Siat again, though, for the first time in years.

I like these meta questions/answers, too. I’ve always enjoyed the idea of Near Hentai operating like a regular porn studio, with the characters I draw all being actors who interact backstage like normal people would, and these sorts of Asks provide me with a good chance to explore how that works and flesh the concept out a little bit.

Huey and Riley Character Ask 1

Here is an Ask directed towards both Huey and Riley. The interesting thing about the Freeman brothers’ relationship in my work is that Huey is very much aware and okay with the homosexuality of their interactions, while Riley is very much in denial about it. In this regard I feel they would have separate individual answers to a question like this, but together Huey just states the plain facts while Riley is incredulous to his bluntness.