Shinra Kusakabe’s First Dare

I think it’s kind of interesting how Shinra and Asta have become a sort-of couple in the Studio. I’ve only seen the first couple episodes of either show, so I don’t really know either of them that well and would never draw them without Subscribers pushing for them, but they’ve ended up being heavily associated through my work. I know people are into foot stuff from Shinra due to his powers, and I thought this Dare might would be fun to see their dynamic (as best I can imagine it) playing out a bit.

Studio Tour 10 – Lum/Aimee

I wanted to draw these two characters together for a while. Aimee Brightower is one of two protagonists in Galaxy High, who I drew back in 2015. Lum is the female lead of Urusei Yatsura, who I drew on commission in 2020. Both girls were in the 1 Club prior to this pic, but I wanted to pair them with each other rather than more popular characters like I do for that series. So, instead, I dusted off the Studio Tour series for the first time in a while. Urusei Yatsura and Galaxy High have an interesting history together. Urusei Yatsura was extremely popular in its day (and has a new series airing right now, though I haven’t watched it yet), and Shinsha was tasked with creating a similar series for the western market, since importing anime was rare back then. They created Galaxy High, and inverted the “alien girl in human school” premise to “human boy and girl go to alien school”. They also traced some animation from UY for GH, including the last shot of the opening credits where Aimee looks a lot more like Lum than usual.

Kale Character Ask 2

I picked this Ask for a couple reasons. One is that it’s a new fairly new sub, and when possible I like to make sure they can get included in stuff as soon as possible. But also, I noticed a lot of people in the comments getting excited over Kale and her feet in the A-ko Ask she appeared in, and I thought folks might like seeing a bit more of her. Chun-Li’s also a character I wish I’d drawn more than I have, so I went with her over Potia (since it seemed unlikely to me that she’d know both of them). It’s possible this Ask specified Kale hoping for her more muscular form like her previous Ask, but I don’t usually use transformations for Asks unless it’s completely necessary.

Casey Buckner Bio

For the longest time, Casey was a rough design and vibe in my head, and I never really had a good idea for who he was. My friend Ccat helped me workshop him a bit, and I have a much better idea of what his deal is. I also realized while talking to her that I like the idea of him being a barista by trade, and upon deciding that I decided he needed to be part of the Food Court update of my Studio Tour game. So it’s a good thing I know who he is now, it’ll make it easier to write him for that, haha.

Boruto Uzumaki Character Ask 1

I hope I’ve made it clear before that people will usually still meet and know acquaintances from their pre-Studio lives if they’re both in the Studio, so the answer here should’ve been obvious. However, I had the thought a few days ago that it might be fun to do a Naruto/Boruto pic in the vein of how I usually do Goku and Gohan, and this Ask seemed like a good opportunity to do that. It’s possible this Ask was looking to see Boruto with the younger Naruto I tend to use by default (or younger Naruto with younger Sasuke), but that wouldn’t have vibed with the direction I wanted to go so I used Naruto’s daddy form instead.

Dragon Ball F – Vegeta Shows Goku How It’s Done

I had this idea a while ago, and finally got around to finishing the pic. I don’t remember what initially made me think of this scenario, but Vegeta F showing Goku F how to fuck her wife hard seemed kinda fun. For whatever reason I find this scenario playing out with the original DBZ cast harder to picture, I don’t know why it seems like a better fit with the F cast to me. This is also the first time I’ve drawn Vegeta F without her tail, since this situation would have to take place much later than the first time I drew her.