So, the bulk of Butt Witch’s answer here is just acknowledging the fact that I have a fair number of characters I’ve used who are perhaps best known for their butts. I think Helen is probably the best-known butt-haver in the Studio, though, despite a few women having larger ones. She’s just got the right shape and tone, and like Butt Witch points out, she can take as many dicks as she wants up there thanks to her elastic powers. I really wanted to do this one just for the chance to draw Butt Witch and Helen together, but I didn’t really want to mess with the twerking angle. For one, I just wasn’t sure how to actually convey it in action, especially since a proper contest would’ve involved everyone BW lists here and then some. I suppose I could’ve just had them describe having done a contest, but I figured it was better to leave that concept open for now. Instead I just wanted to put the goods on display, plain and simple.
Here’s the One-Shot I did for December, selected from nominations sent in by my supporters. Of course the holidays referenced in this comic have now passed, but it was more timely for my supporters. ^_^; This one presented a couple of unique challenges. First, was that I have very little experience working with the Fairly OddParents style (I’ve drawn it before, but it’s been ages). I did my best to find a compromise between my more realistic approach I usually use and the uber-stylized designs of the original characters. Also, the last panel was left completely open to me (except the dialogue). I decided that, since the pic was presented as a message from the Studio versions of characters, I should use Siat Wildstar, who’s sort of the mascot of the Studio. Since her panel is all about looking forward to the new year, too, I decided to work in a “look forward” theme, with her training three new characters (or, in Kefla’s case, a combination of two characters already in the Studio). Darkness is the last of the main KonoSuba girls for me to bring in, and Nessa’s a popular new character I’ve gotten a few requests for. Seras in the first panel is also new, though she’s been nominated for NHML maybe a dozen times. It’s also fun to bring in Mrs. Claus from the comic I did with CCat for Christmas 2018, paired again with her favorite boys, Mace and Jackie.
It took an embarrassingly long time, but I finally got around to wrapping up the third installment of these “orgy” commissions. For those who weren’t following me when I released the first two, this commission is three separate background-less threesomes which the client plans to piece together to create an orgy-type scene. This third one features Gokudera of Hitman Reborn, Todoroki from My Hero Academia, and Horohoro from Shaman King. This officially wraps up the “Fire Sale” commissions I sold out to raise money for a friend whose home had burned down about 500 years ago, leaving me with only exclusive commissions to worry about for the foreseeable future. ^_^
So the concept behind this Ask is kinda an old one, and one I’ve discussed on Discord a bit, but I know some folks have been anxiously awaiting for the talking points of those talks to be brought to life. In the Near Hentai Studios I do imagine cliques/clubs of various character types forming, and the cooking characters getting together to prepare food for the Studio is a very old concept I haven’t really gotten the chance to explore. It makes sense to me Hiro would gravitate towards those characters, and Yukihira especially seems to me like someone he’s get along with. Like he says in the Ask, he’s got a lot in common with Aiden, so it’s easy for me to picture him idolizing him in a similar way (even if, due to screwy anime ages, Yukihira is actually younger than Hiro despite looking much older).
So here’s the One-Shot for November. The idea behind this one was that Goku and Luffy were doing a show at the Near Hentai Strip Club, performing with a variety of other boys and getting progressively more naked as they go. This comic also features the debut of Itona from Assassination Classroom, performing onstage like his classmate Nagisa.
So this is a follow-up to the last S.H.O.T.A. Project commission. After their training, Chris, Danny, and this other boy are ready for sale to clients, who are having fun with them. There’s a new assistant for the demoness scientist lady, a trap demon boy named Azraela. He’s designed by the commission client, and while I expect he’ll be showing up more often in this person’s commissions I kinda hope he doesn’t. He’s not very fun to draw. Anyway, for reasons I won’t get into I can’t look directly at this commission, but I hope you guys all like it.
Also, some of you may have noticed, but I’ve started adding something I’m calling “A.I.-Assisted Stories” in the Literature section. These are fanfics I’ve written using AI, they’re mostly an experiment with the technology but I do think they’re somewhat fappable. Obviously not the same as a properly written story, but I kinda enjoy making them on the side so I’ll probably add more in the future.
So this Ask is of course referencing a much older one, where in Hinata here was shown being unable to handle Luffy’s rubber cock. The client who asked this wanted to see a follow up, but it seems that despite repeated attempts he’s still overwhelmed. Of course, one can hardly blame him, since Luffy’s already considerable cock has the same stretching power the rest of him has. He’s giving it his all in spite of this fact.