Carly Sims Character Ask 2

I’ve talked on my Discord some about how I’m hoping to get a handful of Applebridge projects either started or out during this month, and I figured it’d be appropriate to open with an Applebridge Ask for the month. Carly and Wren are both in the same grade, so it’s reasonable to think they’d know each other in the Applebridge canon, but I picture them gravitating to different friend groups. However, I see no reason why they couldn’t be friends in the Studio, and I figured drawing a line between those worlds might be an interesting bent on her answer.

Studio Life Magazine 3 with Yuji Itadori

A while back one of my Lord Tier Subscribers commissioned two magazine covers for a fictional NHS magazine called Studio Life. The commission went over pretty well, with multiple people saying they’d enjoy seeing the concept as a recurring series. I thought it might be fun to return to occasionally, and I thought JJK’s Yuji Itadori would be a neat character to start with.

Corey Park’s First Dare

I have a pretty limited range of uses for Corey, I think he works best in a specific setting with a specific dynamic. However, every now and then it can be cute to see someone taken out of their element a little. While I don’t really like the idea of Corey ever going full bottom, I still think Mace and Jackie’s energy was pretty badly damaged by that, but a little bit of him outside his comfort zone can be fun, I hope.

Captain Planet and Ma-Ti

So this is the first in a seven-part miniseries I wanted to do. It’s pretty similar to the Golden Boy series, I think, but basically there are seven characters from Captain Planet and the Planeteers I was thinking I’d like to draw. I figured I’d just draw Captain Planet himself fucking each of them. If you know my tastes it’s probably not too difficult to guess which seven characters I have in mind, though I still prefer to wait until they release to reveal them. I don’t know how spread apart these pics will be, but I’ll get to them when I get to them.

Up first is Ma-Ti, with the power of Heart. He’s an obvious cutie and I figured he’d be a fine choice to kick this series off right.

Takumi Aldini Character Ask 1

It’s been a couple years since the first and only other time I’ve drawn Takumi, and I thought we could revisit him with this Ask. A fair number of Asks I see for less-used characters talk about them like they’re completely gone from the Studio or something when I haven’t drawn them for a while, and I thought this Ask might help clear up that confusion a little bit. Since the Studio is more than a Studio, but a full little community, everyone who’s in it is still around, hangin’ and bangin’, even if it’s been years since the last time they’ve shown up in my work.

Korra’s Training

I mentioned in the Korra/Toph Ask I did a bit ago that I wanted to draw Korra and Toph with the designs they had when they actually interacted in the show. This is that picture, with Korra giving older Toph a nice foot-cleaning with her tongue. I thought it’d be cute to include some suggestions that this isn’t the first time she’s treated an Avatar this way.

Tomo Aizawa Character Ask 2

There’s a scene in the first episode of Tomo-chan is a Girl! where Jun is talking with another guy about Tomo. The guy thinks Jun is talking about sex, while he thinks he’s talking about martial arts, and Jun comments that Tomo has good feet and uses them well. The other guy thought that was awesome, and so did I, and I’ve been hoping to show Tomo using her feet well since then.

Chris Thorndyke Character Ask 4

I don’t usually choose questions where the answer is “no”, but sometimes there’s still room for a fun visual to along with a negative response. In this case, while Chris may be fine working with other humans for shoots when needed, I don’t really picture him having sex with anyone but Mobians recreationally. I figured we could clear that up, for anyone who was in doubt, and I always enjoy a little Chris/Sonic action when appropriate.