Tag Archives: Dragon Ball (Series)

NHML – Lime


The Near Hentai Monthly Lady for November is Lime, the little girl Gohan becomes close to in episode 170 of Dragon Ball Z. I had a hard time getting started on this one, because I have lots of other projects I would rather be doing. I’m just not that interested in Lime, I guess, but I needed to get this done early enough that people can nominate next month’s characters. Because of that I feel pretty unhappy with the final result, but hopefully you guys will like it. I don’t have any plans to draw Lime again.

If you’d like to nominate a character for next month’s feature, the process is easy. Just leave a comment here or in the cBox on the side of the site naming which lady you’d like to nominate. Nominees must be characters I haven’t drawn in the past year (or, preferably, ever). I’ll compile a list of everyone nominated, and then on the first of December I’ll use a randomizer to select a winner at random. Then during the month I will draw a picture of her. Neat, right?

Futa Pan and Bra Comic

Here is a commission I’ve been working on for a while…. Even though the subject matter for this one isn’t super complex or demanding, I kept hitting weird stumbling blocks with this one and in the end it took way longer than it reasonably should have. Thankfully the client was super patient with me while I muddled my way through it, though, and once the lineart was done the coloring went by pretty quickly. I think the end result is pretty cute, and I hope you guys like it as well. ^_^

EDIT: My project “Dragon Ball F” hadn’t been fully realized when I first made this, but I think now that this comic fits better into that universe (where all male characters are female, and any character can become a futa by eating a “futa bean”) than it does any other take on Dragon Ball I’ve used. So I’m adding this to that series.

A Trip to the Past, Page 07

This page took longer than I expected due in large part to the position used. In most of the panels it wasn’t a factor, but a couple of them proved especially time consuming for me, and took multiple drafts to get to look right. Hopefully the final product was worth all the work. I know these pages come out slower than many of you would like, but I can assure you I’m doing my best to get them out as quickly as I can. Page eight is already under construction, though I’m sure it’ll be a while before it’s complete.