Character Asks

Liak Burs Character Ask 1

Liak here is another character from my old fantasy comic, Eromugen. His role in that comic was as the squire to Potia Creole, who would follow her around and admire her. The plan was for them to have side adventures to the main plot, usually with Potia ending up in some sort of compromising position, and Liak being unable to control himself and taking advantage of her. Basically like the “step mom gets stuck in dryer” videos you’ll see on Pornhub sometimes, although I think that trope wasn’t as common in live action porn back then. At any rate, this question feels kinda like asking him if he’s a top or a bottom to me, and so I had him answer with his original role in mind. I do realize that I could’ve had him using his cock to maybe spice up the answer a bit, but with these very old OCs I feel like their first Asks are sort of a re-introduction, so I’m focusing more on fine-tuning and presenting their designs here than I am putting them to work.

Supreme Kai Shin Character Ask 2

Gohan and the Supreme Kai is a kinda fun pairing I’ve never gotten around to doing (usually ’cause I’m too busy drawing Shin getting dominated by Buu), but I like the idea. I can’t really bring myself to see them as a romantic ship, but I do like the idea of Shin just being enough of a little slut that he’d eagerly use training and motivation as an excuse to service Gohan while they’re on his planet.

Mowgli Character Ask 3

Fun fact: Due to the times at which they were answered, each of Mowgli’s Character Asks thus far has had a different colored border for the question.
Anyway, this one seemed like a pretty easy and straightforward answer. Tarzan’s Studio debut was a commission with him and Mowgli, one focused more on foreplay than hardcore action. I seem to recall their being some interest in seeing something more intense between them at the time, so this Ask is basically just an excuse to do that. I couldn’t really think of anything clever or interesting for Mowgli to say, though.

Killua Zoldyck Character Ask 16

I figure I might as well address this. I don’t really see Killua as insecure enough to let something like this bother him, especially since I’ve always portrayed him as more of a bottom, anyways. I did consider having him fucking Gon here in this Ask to play into his point at the end, but then I got worried it might come across like he was only answering the way he was because Gon was there… I’ve done a few “standing around talking” Asks with Killua already, though, so instead I thought he could show off what he’s proud of over a giant cock: that tight, pink bussy.

Pan Character Ask 1

Pan is one of only a handful of Dragon Ball characters I’ve drawn but never done crossover stuff with. I figured this Ask was as good a chance as any to rectify that, so here we are. Perhaps it’s because I usually draw her with Bra (and, to a lesser extent, Marron), but I picture Pan being into classy/trendy girls, in contrast to her own tomboyish nature. There’s plenty of characters like that in the Studio, far more than she mentioned here, but I chose Noelle as the example mostly because I know people like her, but I just don’t see myself drawing much Black Clover content outside of Asks. Also, I think this is a fun, unusual pairing, and I always enjoy throwing strange crossovers out there.