So this pairing of Kendo and Hpyno was also brought up in the Character Ask submissions this month, and in the Ask version it’s mentioned that Kendo has a passing resemblance to Misty. I did think it’d be kinda fun to see Kendo hypnotized and fucked, but I though it worked better as a Dare than as an Ask, since I don’t know how much Kendo would be willing to try this without deeper prompting. That said, it probably would’ve made more sense for Hypno to be dared to hypnotize her, but whatever here we are.
I think it’s kind of interesting how Shinra and Asta have become a sort-of couple in the Studio. I’ve only seen the first couple episodes of either show, so I don’t really know either of them that well and would never draw them without Subscribers pushing for them, but they’ve ended up being heavily associated through my work. I know people are into foot stuff from Shinra due to his powers, and I thought this Dare might would be fun to see their dynamic (as best I can imagine it) playing out a bit.
I don’t watch Demon Slayer, but I was able to find the scene this Dare is referencing on YouTube. Hopefully I represented it well here, how this Dare would play out in the Studio. I like positions and angles like this, but it can be hard to justify using them a lot of the time because it obscures who the characters are (that’s why it’s common to see this pose as the punchline to a two-panel comic), but for these characters I thought it’d be ideal because they have these extra cracks and leaves and stuff that makes them identifiable even if you don’t see their faces. Also, one of the main obstacles I have with drawing Daki is all the extra shit on her face, so this way I got to avoid having to deal with all of that in what should be a simple and quick pic.
This Dare’s pretty straightforward, just some good old-fashioned ass-licking between boyfriends. I wanted to do this one for two reasons, though. One is just that Gon/Killua content is always well-received, but the other is that this Subscriber’s had very poor luck with Asks an I was happy to see them submit a Dare I knew I could do. It’s a little hard to portray a long stretch of time in one image, but I figured some dialogue could help address that issue.
This Dare stood out to me for a couple reasons. Probably the biggest is that I haven’t, nor do I have any plans to, drawn Luz getting fucked like this, mostly ’cause all the characters I’m interested in pairing her with are women. I thought a nice shot of Luz taking it up the bum would be fun, and I hope you all agree.
I’ve always intended to fit in more than one Dare in a month where possible, but it’s been harder than I thought to squeeze them in. I’m trying to do so this month, though, and I liked this Dare for a couple reasons. For those less familiar with my original work, Eromugen is an old comic I did years ago, and Wars and Machete here are both from it. The comic ended before they actually got to interact, but the plan was for them to both be two corners of a love triangle with Siat Wildstar. Machete fell in love with Siat before the comic began, and Wars is in a current relationship with her so their interactions would’ve been largely antagonistic.
I went back and forth on which Dare to close this month’s cycle out with, and I kinda liked this one for a few (probably obvious) reasons. One is just that I like Eda, but I also think she makes for a good futa even though I haven’t made her one in other works yet (except some of the stories in the literature section). Normally I like dares that put people in situations they might not otherwise do, and that’s definitely not the case here, but Eda futa-fucking some cute boy just sounded like a fun thing to draw. Link was one of several boys I considered for this, and he’s one who does especially well bottoming for futas (there’s tons of animations and art proving this from other creators). Link’s also just one of those characters I don’t draw as often as I should, so this Dare let’s me accomplish a few things I’d like to do more of at once. I might follow this Dare up later in the Eda’s Ambition series, I dunno.