This Dare is born from both Bulma and Kanamori developing a reputation for being skilled with a strapon. This Dare’s been submitted for a few months now, but I was hesitant to go for it mostly because I knew it’d come across as me playing favorites. I do like this idea, though, and I figured some others might like it, too.
Since this scenario’s expanding on a panel from the most recent Studio Christmas party, I thought it’d be fun to tie it in to another panel from that party. I know this one’s maybe a little more PG-13 than I usually do, but I just had this interaction in my head and thought it’d be cute.
I think a lot of Aki’s characterization in Chainsaw Man is informed by his motivations that I won’t spoil in case anyone reading this hasn’t seen Chainsaw Man yet. I think that drive really shapes his serious, meticulous character, and I think being in the Studio without that motivation might affect him. On the one hand, it has allowed him to loosen up and learn to be happy with Himeno, which is great for her, but here we see it maybe troubling him a little bit. Our serious boy’s become something of a playboy, and the poor slob just can’t seem to get out of the bed in the morning. I went with a hair-down look for both Aki and Choso here to help convey that morning messiness a little bit, hope it comes across.
I posted a couple commissions not long ago that I said were part of an emergency fund-raising effort I had to run. The bulk of the funds raised from that sale were through a ten-page commissioned comic. The individual who bought that comic couldn’t fully decide on which characters they wanted to use, however, so we agreed to split it into two five-pagers. This is the first of those, a little three-way featuring Yuji, Inosuke and Thorfinn.
Updates for this one might be a little spaced out initially. Both “The Eizouken’s Closer” and “Leave It All On the Court” are only a few pages from finishing, so once those wrap I’ll be able to focus on this one a bit more. Until then, though, I did want to at least get it started with this opening page, and maybe there’ll be another page or two before those other comics finish. Regardless, I hope y’all will enjoy this one!