Addicted to My Little Brother’s Ass, Page 16

This here is the last of the original pages I’d sketched back in 2015/16 when I was first planning this comic. This means that, starting from here, I’ll have to put together new pages. I do remember where the comic was going to go and I don’t think it’ll end up that different from the original vision, but it might mean the pages will be a little slower coming out than they have been.

BooBies Calendar #10 – October

I decided to do this BooBies waitress for October way back when I first started this project. Her outfit is oranger than most of the other girls, and her yellow face-marking on her dark skin combined with the orange outfit just gave her more of a Halloween vibe in my mind. She’s the one I’ve been looking forward to drawing the most, and honestly she’s a big part of why I wanted to do a series spotlighting these one-off waitress characters so much. Like with the other unnamed waitresses I’ve drawn for this series, I went to my Discord to come up with an unofficial name for her, and we decided on Nova Nyx.

Anya Forger Character Ask 1

I don’t usually pick up this type of question, on account of it having too thin of a basis and also being a bit too specific. However, I answered this one for a couple of reasons. One is that I felt I needed to get an Ask for this Subscriber, but also I thought I could tackle a couple of different things here. One is the fact that Anya, despite her appearance, is not at child-level intelligence in the Studio and as to get into character to do the baby talk she does in the show. Another is that I thought this would be a good chance to hint at Anya’s opinion of Makima, as what she describes here is basically how I see her relationship with any of Denji’s acquaintances (at this time). With Anya’s abilities I’m sure she’s self-censoring a lot with her statement here, as I’m sure she has pretty strong opinions on Makima and Denji’s relationship with her. Originally it was going to just be Anya here talking, but I decided to go ahead and have her bring in Nimona just so she could weigh in with her take, too.

Asami Sato Character Ask 1

This Ask is in reference to “Chi-Chi’s Fan Appreciation Tour,” an incomplete story in the Literature section of the site. Asami is one of several Studio residents who wins a fan trip with Chi-Chi in the story. I don’t know if this Subscriber had that in mind with this question, as I suspect they might’ve just been hoping to see Asami with any random new character I thought she’d pair well with. However, I don’t have many good opportunities to “canonize” written stories set in the Studio like this. I think this is the first time I’ve drawn any pairing from this story, although I can’t be certain. Regardless, I thought it’d make for a fun answer.

Nappa Character Ask 1

I can recall at least one time Nappa and Vegeta meet after Nappa’s death, maybe there are others I’m forgetting, but I think in the Studio they’d probably have a slightly different dynamic. I don’t really see Vegeta putting the gang back together with either Nappa or Raditz, personally, but I’m sure they’ve reconciled a bit. I really don’t think Nappa would have the balls to try and go behind Vegeta’s back at all, but I do think Vegeta would be fine with letting Bulma use Nappa for some good side dick.