Ayame NHML

The Near Hentai Monthly Lady for April 2023 is Ayame, a character introduced to the anime adaptation of Inuyasha to give Kōga a love interest after he loses the love triangle with the protagonists. I happen to know she was nominated by someone specifically wanting to get Kōga in the Studio, which made my impulse to pair her with Kagome instead… but in the end she exists solely to be paired with Kōga, so here she is with Kōga.

With this post, NHML nominations for the month of May are now open. For those who don’t know, I’ll run down the rules real quick. Nominations are limited to one per person. You can nominate any female character you want, provided I have not drawn her within the past calendar year (though I prefer characters I’ve never drawn, period). Previous NHML winners are not eligible for a second time. Nominees must also not be from the same franchise as this month’s winner, Inuyasha. If you violate any of those rules, I’ll let you know, and you can nominate someone else. I know it can be hard to keep track of these things. You may nominate by either commenting in the cBox, commenting on this post, or emailing me (Nearphotison2010@yahoo.com). I’ll compile a list of the nominees in the sidebar of this site, and then on May 1st I will use a randomizer to select the winning character who I will proceed to draw sometime that month. I look forward to seeing who you all nominate this time around!

Coed Capers After Lights Out, Page 7

And here is our final page of Coed Capers! A couple of scripts had the girls outlasting the boys, and I thought seeing Gohan and Deku fall asleep together would be cute. The main theme I saw in the submitted scripts was the boys following through on Rumi’s request to give it to Uraraka, and it looks like she enjoyed it. Next time around we’ll be starting a new bi comic, wonder what it’ll be?

March ’23 One-Shot

Here is the One-Shot for March of 2023! The idea behind the winning script this month was a bunch of fit ladies having fun in the Studio gym, including a little cameo from Eromugen’s Potia in the second panel, there. The last panel was left open to me, so I went with two on-theme girls I don’t draw a often as I’d like, A-ko and Jolyne.

Busy Mouths

This one’s a bit of an odd one, I know, but I wanted to do it anyway. The students in Galaxy High are largely teenage stereotypes turned into alien gimmicks. Gilda Gossip’s trait is, uh… gossiping, and they gave her a bunch of mouths she can talk out of to highlight this. I thought it’d be fun to see her do something a bit more interesting with her extra mouths. I’m far from the first to do something like this with her, of course, but I’m happy to have my take on the concept out there. I’m not completely sold on how it turned out, Gilda’s design is a little hard to translate nude, but I think it’s alright and I hope some of you will like it.