Tag Archives: Attack on Titan

Mutual Masturbation Commission

This is a Lord Tier commission, and I made a deal with this Subscriber for him to pay a little extra to use three characters. I don’t plan to do this often, and I’ll have to pre-approve any commissions before doing it, but in this case it was for a simple little jerk-off pic. The main focus here was on the size of the cocks involved, wanting to kinds show off his boys I guess. These three all have some history in the Studio, too, and I hope y’all will enjoy seeing them together like this.

Subscriber Scenarios #2 – Testing Process

Here’s our second ever Subscriber Scenario! Now, I don’t personally think of the inventor characters in the Studio as having a “club,” it’s more like there’s a central location they tend to gravitate to (the Studio labs, as seen in the Studio Tour game, which is where this pic takes place), and so they tend to mingle and interact there. We’ve seen that a lot in Asks and stuff, but I liked this idea of them testing out fucking machines casually on each other. Specifically I liked the idea of two of them having a bit of a back-and-forth while one got fucked, with the expectation that they’d soon be trading places. Mei’s also been seeing a lot of love on my Discord lately, which I’ll probably have occasion to talk about in a month or so, so I thought this would be a good chance to give her some spotlight. I had fun writing the dialogue here, and I hope y’all enjoy the scenario.

Studio Halloween Party Highlights 2024

For the past few years I’ve found it increasingly harder to come up with ideas for new Spookyverse characters for the annual Halloween pic. While I’m sure it’d be possible to squeeze out a few more, and I might still add new characters to the roster in the future, I decided to change course this year and instead showcase a Halloween party similar to what I’ve been doing for Christmas the past couple years.
Like with the Christmas party, I wanted to give the random raffle character from the Halloween costume pic the spotlight center panel, so we see Arlene getting with some big studs like she wanted (Silas, Ginyu, Jeice and Salza). Her sister also gets to have some fun, plus some Velma-on-Saiyaman action and a few other fun appearances. I tried to fit in a few Halloween-appropriate characters, while also giving a few characters some costumes. Some folks here don’t have costumes on, either ’cause they didn’t bother dressing up for the party or because they already lost the whole costume. Everyone seems to be having fun, though, and I hope you all enjoy the page.

Levi Ackerman Character Ask 2

I think I’ve covered it some before, but I picture Levi approaching Studio life as a bit of a challenge. Not to say he never has fun, but he takes his work on camera seriously and you can’t be a bottom in the Studio without taking some Saiya-jin dick eventually. I could’ve paired him with Vegeta, since he already has experience with DBZ short kings, but I decided to go with someone I use a little less often in Future Trunks.

Clean Break, Page 7

Here’s the seventh page of our Straight Ongoing comic, “Clean Break”. There were two scripts submitted for this page, but they went in pretty different directions and I didn’t feel like I could reconcile them. Instead, I just went with the one that felt like a better direction for the comic, although I did make a small change. I’d misread one part of the script, but liked my misread a bit better so I went with it, hopefully no one will mind. I think Armin tapping out and then Mikasa and Eren getting a romantic one-on-one moment makes sense as we near the end of this comic. I expect at most 1-2 pages more based on where we are, but we’ll see how things play out.