Tag Archives: Dragon Ball Super

Surge the Tenrec Character Ask 1

There’s a few ways I could’ve gone with this, I think, but in the end I thought an angle like this would be fun. Beerus being purple also allows me to make him recognizeable while not necessarily drawing all of him, something that’s useful for a day like today when I have a lot of other work to get to. For Bererus’ part, the last time I drew him he was fucking a different spritely little green lady, so Peridot might want to be on the lookout.

Son Gohan Character Ask 19

I know I’ve described this somewhere before, maybe in Gohan’s spotlight interview, but it’s impossible to keep track of every time I explain Studio lore so I don’t blame anyone for finding it confusing. Characters who we see at different ages usually only exist once in the Studio, and can use sci-fi tech to jump to different ages if they need to for an Ask or something (this is why I say everyone in the Studio is an adult). Gohan F is an alternate universe Gohan, though, so she’s separate. If Future Gohan was in the Studio, he’d be separate, too, but since he’s not Gohan has to use workarounds to have sex with himself older like we see here.

Something Slipped

This pic’s inspired by the scene of Frieza being resurrected in Dragon Ball Super. He and Goku kinda posture at each other, taking cheap shots as saying, “Whoops, my hand slipped” while Baba watches uncomfortably. The scene feels thick with sexual tension to me, and I wanted to do this version of it for a while.

Called to Bulma’s Office

I had an itch to sketch something with Bulma getting her feet worshipped a while back, so I sketched this. I figured the unnamed Capsule Corp Receptionist we see a couple of times in Super would be a good candidate, since it let me play off the empoyee/boss power dynamic. I let this one sit for a good minute before coming back to it, but I hope people will enjoy the final product.

March ’23 One-Shot

Here is the One-Shot for March of 2023! The idea behind the winning script this month was a bunch of fit ladies having fun in the Studio gym, including a little cameo from Eromugen’s Potia in the second panel, there. The last panel was left open to me, so I went with two on-theme girls I don’t draw a often as I’d like, A-ko and Jolyne.

Momo Yaoyorozu’s First Dare

Momo and Kale is a pairing I’ve seen thrown around a little bit, really just ’cause of their similar hairstyles (ironically enough, also the premise of the last Dare I did for this Subscriber). I’ve seen some Asks pushing for this pairing here and there, but I’ve always passed them up just ’cause it’s hard for me to picture them coming together naturally based on something like that… With a Dare, however, it’s a little bit different, and since these are two characters I get told I don’t draw as often as I should I’m hoping people will enjoy this little interaction.

Vados Character Ask 2

Sometimes, when it comes to a crossover pairing, I like to indulge in them just because of how well the characters fit together. This was the case in the last Ask I did. Other times, however, the nonsense of the crossover is fun to play with. That’s the case here. These characters are connected only through the NHML raffle. I mentioned before, I believe, that in the Studio the previous NHML winners will hold a monthly celebration for that month’s winner joining their little club. Not every NHML winner attends every party, but it seems Vados made it out to Chastity’s. I’m mostly just happy to see Chastity getting some attention, since I doubt many people knew who she was when she won the November drawing. Also, it’s just nice to see more of Vados.

Vegeta Character Ask 10

I wanted to do something with Vegeta and Cabba a long time ago, but I think I got sidetracked from it when they ended up appearing together in a commission threesome a while ago. I still like their relationship, though, and while I’d put off an Ask like this for a while because I’d wanted to do their first appearance just the two of them on my own… I decided I wasn’t sure if or when I’d get around to it so here we go. I went with Blue Vegeta and SSJ Cabba to show just how well their training is going.