Tag Archives: Dragon Ball Super

December ’22 One-Shot

Here is the One-Shot comic for the last month of 2022, submitted by one of my SubscribeStar supporters. This particular Subscriber has been campaigning to get Fasha in the Studio for a while, and finally managed to get her in with this win. While I liked the Broly movie, I was a bit disappointed that we didn’t see any of Bardock’s crew in it. However, here we get to see the people closest to him from his two main appearances in the franchise, having some fun swinger action. Before Gine was introduced, Fasha was the default character fans would sometimes attribute as Goku and Raditz’s mother, but I’ve noticed since Gine’s debut we’ve seen her shifted more to being shipped with other members of the squad, usually Tora.

Studio Christmas Party Highlights 2022

Last year I finished my ongoing series of Mace and Jackie’s Christmas Carol, so this year I was in search of something to replace it. I went through a few ideas, but none of them felt quite right, until I hit on this. A few years ago I had the idea of an ongoing comic set in a Studio orgy, basically jumping from place to place within the orgy without any real story or anything. I didn’t think the idea had the legs for a regular comic, but I’ve kind of reworked the concept here. So, every year for Christmas, I’d like to do a little montage comic like this one highlighting a few little scenes from that year’s Studio Christmas Party. I think this series could be fun, and I hope y’all will enjoy it. I started this one late because I was having trouble coming up with a concept, so once I had it I just drew the first few ideas I had. Unfortunately, none of them ended up being yaoi, but I’ll try to rectify that next year. In the meantime, please enjoy and Happy Holidays!

Ribrianne’s Toy

This is a Mini Commission for one of my Subscribers. Since Mini Commissions are one-character pics, I usually would cut a pic like this off lower. However, since Ribrianne’s facing away from the camera and has a really simple design, it wasn’t really any extra work for me to show the back of her head (and make her more identifiable). I like Ribrianne and hope to draw more of her in the future, but for now I hope y’all will enjoy seeing her make use of Goku like this.

Momo and Trunks

This is another annual Master Tier commission for one of my Subscribers. This Sub is actually the one who wrote the script for the Trunks/Goten/U.A. One-Shot, so I treated this like a fifth panel to that comic. I do think, based on what we’ve seen of Momo’s tastes in the show, that Trunks seems like her type, so this seems like a sensible crossover pairing to me.

Kale Character Ask 2

I picked this Ask for a couple reasons. One is that it’s a new fairly new sub, and when possible I like to make sure they can get included in stuff as soon as possible. But also, I noticed a lot of people in the comments getting excited over Kale and her feet in the A-ko Ask she appeared in, and I thought folks might like seeing a bit more of her. Chun-Li’s also a character I wish I’d drawn more than I have, so I went with her over Potia (since it seemed unlikely to me that she’d know both of them). It’s possible this Ask specified Kale hoping for her more muscular form like her previous Ask, but I don’t usually use transformations for Asks unless it’s completely necessary.

October ’22 One-Shot

So the idea behind this One-Shot was to see three of the sluttiest Dragon Ball boys I draw doing their thing with some random tops the Subscriber who submitted this script is fond of. Posing, as well as which version of the characters, was left up to me. I hope you all are okay with my decisions. We’ve seen different pairings between Whis, Gohan and Frieza in previous works, but this is the first time they’ve appeared together like this.

Frieza Character Ask 5

I thought it’d be interesting to see Frieza taking Gohan’s cock, so here we are. How he answered seemed pretty obvious to me, so the only thing I had to decide on was what version of Gohan it’d be. I kinda felt like it should be one of his looks from after Frieza’s revival. I like his design in Resurrection F, but I didn’t feel like it’d be a good fit given their interactions in that film. While I’m not a fan of most of what I’ve seen from the recent Super Hero movie, I do kinda like Gohan’s new base hairstyle, so I went with that.

August ’22 One-Shot

Here’s the One-Shot for August! The theme for the script that won this time around was Trunks and Goten invading the U.A. dorms. The script called for either the End of Z or the new Super Hero designs of Goten and Trunks, which was a toss-up for me. I kinda prefer Trunks’ lavender hair, I only really liked the blue coloring for Future Trunks as a way to distinguish him from the main timeline version. On the other hand, I do like the tweaks to Goten’s design, as I feel he looks a bit more like Goku’s kid than Yamcha’s now. In the end I went with the Super Hero designs, just because I hadn’t used them yet and I figured people might appreciate the novelty.