Like all of my monthly One-Shot comics, the script for this was submitted by one of my supporters on SubscribeStar. The idea for this script was to see Kaa hypnotizing a few boys. Other than Mowgli, I’m not sure why these specific boys were chosen, but here they are! Funnily enough, there is an Ask coming out in the future that I drew before this script won where I use some of these same characters, because I knew at least one of my Subscribers wanted to see Kaa hypnotize them. Due to how I release stuff this ended up going public first, but y’all will see that Ask coming up sometime in June.
This fusion came from a poll featuring a variety of non-white characters (of a variety of ethnicities), and the winning characters were Huey and Mowgli (though it did get close). I thought this would be a cute way to combine their features, and I’m pretty happy with the resulting Fusion here. I hope you all will like him, too.

So this one may be a bit less interesting visually than some other Asks, but I know a lot of people still like the “standing around naked” answers. Plus, a number of people have asked me to do more with Mowgli, so here we are. Anyone who played my last update to the Near Hentai Studio Tour game will know the park Mowgli’s talking about here, as it’s the same one Gon like to hang out at. In fact, I had something planned for Mowgli in that park, but couldn’t find the time to fit it into that update. Later on, though, I’m sure he’ll show up there.
Confession time, I really didn’t have any ideas for how to answer this one. I didn’t really feel like the question fit with my understanding of the Mowgli/Bandar-log pictures, but I knew a lot of people were wanting to see more of Mowgli. So I spent some time trying to find a way to make it work, and this is what I came up with. I hope the final result is somewhat enjoyable.
So there’s not much new here, but this is the complete version of “Monkeying Around All Day”. This is what the client purchased, but due to the size and scope of it I chose to upload the smaller panels individually. The end result was that some parts were cropped out of those versions, but now you can see the full image (plus the “flow” from one panel to the next). Hope you all enjoyed this series, and ideally I’ll get to draw Mowgli again some time in the future.