This is the first Character Ask for a character that doesn’t really speak (as I recall, the Cell Junior mostly giggle menacingly), though it’s not gonna be the last one. I had fun thinking up a good way to answer it, and hopefully the joke comes through despite the lack of dialogue.
They could talk but it was short phrases which made sense as they were just born. It’d be funny if cell gave these guys away as personal companions to different buyers
or maybe for a traina nd each one fucks gohan one after the other until he’s spilling out cum a total drooling mess
suck off contest!
Gohan should take ’em all cum sucking slut
get Gohan to take them all. Like have them all absrabe into one cell JR with a super dick lol
They all look identical. Fuck. Better ask Gohan to test them one by one (with his ass) to see what he thinks.
Hiya, I’m really glad I have found this.
What good luck!
I have removed it a question