
Ash Ketchum Character Ask 7

I feel a little bad for not having, like, an interesting answer to this one. This supporter’s asked it a couple times in a row now, though, and I didn’t want to just ignore it. So, here’s a pretty basic answer. Sorry. ^_^;
I haven’t watched much of this stretch of the show, but I tried to play off my understanding of their dynamic. Ash is pretty straightforward and earnest while Clemont’s a bit more shy and happily embarrassed.

Ash Ketchum Character Ask 6

So this is an Ask I’ve neglected to answer for a couple months now (sorry WildBlue). I just couldn’t think of an interesting way to have Ash respond that felt, like… right. I believe this Ask is specifically trying to play into a fetish for being nude and being seen nude, but that’s kinda hard to work with, especially when all the Asks are answered in the nude anyway. So if Ash answered “no” (which felt right, honestly, though I also had trouble thinking of how to phrase it), then his answer would be super weird if he was also just standing their naked. When I did hit on his answer that he gives here, though, that felt really accurate for a response. It also gave me the chance to give some more interesting visuals, since he could kinda demonstrate the results of him being nude around his Pokémon. I went with Infernape as his partner since 1) I didn’t want to introduce a new ‘mon I hadn’t drawn yet and 2) While I’ve drawn Infernape, I haven’t drawn him with Ash despite Ash and his Infernape having a really cute dynamic in the Diamond and Pearl series. I think that covers all the explanation for this one, so please enjoy seeing Ash get his ass wrecked by a fire monkey.

Marth Character Ask 1

So, I feel like this Ask was probably fishing to see Marth paired up with a guy from another series (Asks along these lines usually are). I was having trouble settling on something that I liked, though, but I also felt like drawing Marth, so I made a compromise. Marth’s a character I’m really fond of, despite not having played any of his games, and I’d like to take a few more stabs at him again in the future.

Double Love Triangle, Page One

So, after finishing The Lovers and the Brothers, I thought it’d be fun to do another crossover comic as my ongoing project. I wanted to do something different, though, so I had anyone who wanted to nominate five characters, then I used a simple system to use those nominations and create a poll for top male and female characters. The winners of that poll are all featured in the logo for this comic (and half of them on this page). We ended up going with three threesomes just due to the campaigning of some of my fans on Discord, who pushed for six winners out of the poll. Since these comics are written page-by-page, I don’t know yet how the other three will end up becoming involved, but whatever happens I hope you all will join me in looking forward to seeing where this comic goes. ^_^

Near Pokédex F134 – Vaporeon

So Vaporeon won my last poll for the ‘dex. It’s not surprising to see another Eevee-line winner (Eevee tied for first on my last male poll, too), and I kinda suspect we’ll be seeing a lot more of the Eeveelutions through this polling system in the future. I always imagined Vaporeon to have a smooth texture instead of being furry like most of the Eeveelutions, so for this one I tried to make her extra shiny to convey that. I had a little bit of trouble fitting the full drawing into here without making them too small, so apologies her hand is off-screen and the tail’s partially obscured/cut off, but I think this is the best framing of it possible.

Jessie Character Ask 3

So, my first response to this Ask was to think, “Well, it’s already been established that these two have gotten physical with each other.” At first I thought maybe it’d be funny to have Jessie admit that she gives it up to easily for her to use sex as a bartering tool, but then I remembered that, like, catching Pikachu isn’t the problem. Team Rocket catch Pikachu more often than not, the problem is he always gets away. So then I thought, you know, maybe Jessie has tried (repeatedly) to sex Pikachu away from Ash, but Pikachu still escapes so Ash is basically just tricking her into fucking for nothing each time. That seems pretty in-character to me. The fact that Jessie would keep trying that tactic despite not getting the results she wants is kinda on her at this point.

King Dedede Sucks

So this pic came about thanks to my Mini Commission reward. The supporter who asked for this wanted to see King Dedede giving a blowjob. Dedede’s not the type of character I’m personally attracted to, so this isn’t something I would’ve ever thought to do on my own, but I hope this works for those of you who’re more into characters like him. ^_^ I’ve always felt weird about characters with beaks giving blowjobs (even avian characters I find attractive), but I did my best with it here.

Azura NHML

I went back and forth on a few ideas for what to do with our Near Hentai Monthly Lady this month. I’ve never played any Fire Emblem, so I didn’t really know her. At first I thought I’d do a solo pic, but when I saw she was the co-star of the game Corrin is from (who I know from Smash Bros.), I decided it’d be more fun to pair them up. I went with the lady version of Corrin, and used this pose I’ve had saved for quite a while. I ended up getting a little carried away and the pic turned out more complex than I’d originally intended, but I don’t think that’ll be a big problem. I wanted to use water ropes to bind Corrin at first, but then I couldn’t find any evidence that Azura’s abilities would actually allow that… so I played it safe and used boring old rope ropes. ^_^ I haven’t done much bondage type stuff (though I have dabbled here and there), so I relied pretty heavily on my reference material (some of the knots even ended up just being traced to try and keep them accurate). Hopefully you all can enjoy this pic I put a lot of time into even if you’re like me and barely know these characters.

With this post, NHML nominations for the month of April are now open. For those who don’t know, I’ll run down the rules real quick. Nominations are limited to one per person, and if I catch anyone trying to do multiple nominations by changing their names I will remove all of that person’s nominations. You can nominate any female character you want, provided I have not drawn her within the past calendar year (though I prefer characters I’ve never drawn, period). Previous NHML winners are not eligible for a second time. Nominees must also not be from the same franchise as this month’s winner, Fire Emblem. If you violate any of those rules, I’ll let you know, and you can nominate someone else. I know it can be hard to keep track of these things. You may nominate by either commenting in the cBox, commenting on this post, or emailing me ( I’ll compile a list of the nominees in the sidebar of this site, and then on April 1st I will use a randomizer to select the winning character who I will proceed to draw sometime that month. I look forward to seeing who you all nominate this time around!