Tag Archives: Izuku Midoriya

Yoh Asakura Character Ask 1

So, Yoh and Deku haven’t worked together directly, I’m pretty sure, but there has been a lot of crossover between Shaman King and My Hero Academia in the past. Yoh’s buddy Ren has worked not only with Deku, but Deku’s pals Kirishima and Bakugou in the past, so I do think they have some association there that I don’t see with Boruto. Also, I’m just biased to like MHA over anything tied to Naruto. In the past for Asks like this I’ve usually just had the character answer the question, but I decided to go ahead and put them together here. Maybe they’ve already hooked up off camera before this, but regardless I think it results in a more interesting answer, visually.

Izuku Midoriya Character Ask 12

I’m not personally all that fond of Toga, which is why she hasn’t shown up in my work that often, but I’ve come to realize more and more that a lot of people really like her. This was clear when she was an early winner in the NHS Fusion polls, so I figured this Ask would be a good chance to bring her in for another appearance. Plus, Deku hasn’t actually gotten to fuck her on-camera before now, so I thought some of y’all might appreciate that.
Himiko Toga first debuted for Near Hentai as a winner of the July 2019 NHML raffle. Her pic paired her with Deku and Ochaco, which is the shoot he’s referencing in his answer here. I’ve mentioned before that characters who can’t fit into a civilized society are, within the Studio, mellowed out some. So the off-camera Toga isn’t so much blood-thirsty and crazed as she is just quirky. This makes it easier for her to fit in with others, including Deku, so they’re able to have a more amicable relationship than what we see in the source material.

September ’21 One-Shot

Here is the One-Shot comic I did for Subscribers at the start of September. Like all the monthly One-Shot comics, the script for this came from a submission by one of my supporters over on SubscribeStar. This is another one where the script called for a new set of characters each panel, some old and some new. The first panel sees Takemichi of Tokyo Revengers joining Kirishima and Deku in a threesome, and I debated over how to do his hair (I haven’t watched it, but he appears to have several looks in the series). It seems like his hair looks like this after he gets into fights, sometimes, so I thought it’d be cute to imply he maybe had it styled but then got fucked rough enough that it got messy like this. We then have a little Genshin Impact threesome with Bennett, Razor and Aether. Kizuku gets shared by one-half of the characters fused to make him (plus his boyfriend), and then Boruto gets some more of Luffy’s cock. Enjoy!

NHS Fusion – Kizuku Midyck

So I’ve seen other artists here and there doing fun fusion images of characters, and I wanted to do my own spin on it. I posted a poll on SubscribeStar with ten cute and popular boys from the Studio. It was close, but in the end Killua and Midoriya won out, and this is my attempt at fusing them. I know people tend to fuse the clothes, too, but I’m not as interested in that part of the process so I went full naked with him instead. His name is Kizuku Midyck (pronounced like key-zoo-koo mid-dick), and he’s a permanent member of the Near Hentai Studio now. I think of him as a little vanilla mint ice cream boy, and I hope you all will like him. I decided to make his body a bit closer to like how I drew Deku in season one, before he started beefing up, ’cause I feel like that’s a good mid-way between how I typically draw him and Killua.
I can’t promise he’ll show up again, but if he’s popular enough we might see him in Asks and the like. At any rate, we at least have this image of him. I will be doing a female fusion sometime soon, and probably more in the future. The process of watching the poll was fun, and the image itself was fun and relaxing to make.
And, for the sake of anyone interested in Studio lore, he wasn’t made with any of the fusion methods from shows like DBZ or whatever. We used original Studio technology to spit him out without losing the original source characters.

Aladdin + Midoriya

This here’s a Master Tier commission for one of my SubscribeStar supporters. Every year on the Master Tier earns them a two-character commission, and this Subscriber wanted to see Aladdin from Magi and the kid version of Deku showing off their assholes and feet. A pretty simple pic, although I did have to make a correction to get their toes spread out. After I colored the corrected image, the client took it upon themselves to use my colors to also color in the original lineart, which I’ve decided to share with y’all. I don’t usually do much in the way of variants, but since this was already here I didn’t see any reason not to include it. The client who commissioned this said they liked to go back and forth between the two versions to create the illusion of the boys wiggling their toes.

Coed Capers After Lights Out, Page 1

So this is the fourth and final of my new ongoing comics on SubscribeStar. The other three being straight, yaoi and yuri, this one is bi. The limit for this comic was four characters instead of three, and they were determined by aggregating everyone’s nominations. We lucked into an established group with this one, with Deku, Gohan and Ochaco reuniting from Double Love Triangle, this time joined by Rumi Usagiyama. Like DLT, this comic is set in the Xoverse, where a young Gohan attends U.A. High after defeating Cell, befriending Midoriya and Ochaco. Next month we’ll see the return of the straight comic, Chi-Chi the Sitter, with a page I hope you all will enjoy.