Last year I finished my ongoing series of Mace and Jackie’s Christmas Carol, so this year I was in search of something to replace it. I went through a few ideas, but none of them felt quite right, until I hit on this. A few years ago I had the idea of an ongoing comic set in a Studio orgy, basically jumping from place to place within the orgy without any real story or anything. I didn’t think the idea had the legs for a regular comic, but I’ve kind of reworked the concept here. So, every year for Christmas, I’d like to do a little montage comic like this one highlighting a few little scenes from that year’s Studio Christmas Party. I think this series could be fun, and I hope y’all will enjoy it. I started this one late because I was having trouble coming up with a concept, so once I had it I just drew the first few ideas I had. Unfortunately, none of them ended up being yaoi, but I’ll try to rectify that next year. In the meantime, please enjoy and Happy Holidays!
Here’s the One-Shot I did for December, selected from nominations sent in by my supporters. Of course the holidays referenced in this comic have now passed, but it was more timely for my supporters. ^_^; This one presented a couple of unique challenges. First, was that I have very little experience working with the Fairly OddParents style (I’ve drawn it before, but it’s been ages). I did my best to find a compromise between my more realistic approach I usually use and the uber-stylized designs of the original characters. Also, the last panel was left completely open to me (except the dialogue). I decided that, since the pic was presented as a message from the Studio versions of characters, I should use Siat Wildstar, who’s sort of the mascot of the Studio. Since her panel is all about looking forward to the new year, too, I decided to work in a “look forward” theme, with her training three new characters (or, in Kefla’s case, a combination of two characters already in the Studio). Darkness is the last of the main KonoSuba girls for me to bring in, and Nessa’s a popular new character I’ve gotten a few requests for. Seras in the first panel is also new, though she’s been nominated for NHML maybe a dozen times. It’s also fun to bring in Mrs. Claus from the comic I did with CCat for Christmas 2018, paired again with her favorite boys, Mace and Jackie.
So here’s the fifth and final page of my Christmas comic collab with CCat! As far as our protagonists go, this page wraps up the aftermath of having a sex romp in the snow. CCat was pretty adamant about working in Mrs. Claus and the elves we saw at the end of last year’s comic (she’s even named them, the blonde is Alfie, red-head is Jingle, and white-hair is Thistle), so the last two panels are all her idea. I like this addition, and I think it’d be fun to do more with those characters somewhere down the line (though we’ll see). Anyway, Happy Holidays and all that, and I hope you all enjoyed the comic!

And here’s our final page, a little epilogue after the night’s events. This page was all CCat’s idea. She wanted to show Mrs. Claus returning home, with the implication that she’ll resume her naughty activities with all the innocent little elves. I hope you all enjoyed this comic, and have a Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays from CCat and myself!