Tag Archives: Trunks Briefs

Killua Zoldyck Character Ask 7

Like Trunks says, Killua and Trunks have interacted a couple times in the One-Shot comics. In the August ’17 comic Trunks fucks and gets blown by Killua, and in the January ’18 comic Killua rims Trunks. While I don’t currently plan to do a pic specifically following up on this Ask, but I’m sure you guys can imagine what follows.Maybe we’ll get to see more of these two interacting if there are other One-Shots for it or if I use them for a Xoverse concept or something.

Also, here’s the thrilling final episode of my video series about the superhero characters I made when I was younger. I hope those of you who watched this series at least found it interesting. 🙂

CCC – Space Warped 06

Hey, so who here remembers Space Warped? Malezor and I started this comic a lifetime ago, and after completing the prologue he’s just been too busy to devote the time needed to continue it. We even tried getting another artist to do the linework (I’m the colorist and co-author of the script) but that didn’t pan out like we’d hoped. In the end Malezor was able to get the first page of Chapter One done in his spare time, and I made a point of coloring it as soon as it was ready.

As you can see, the strange artifact Goten and Trunks found at the end of the prologue unwittingly transported them into the Big Hero 6 universe. Luckily, Hiro happened to be flying by and spotted them. Hopefully he can help them out.

An Unlikely Meeting, Page 4

This is the fourth page of “An Unlikely Meeting”. Like always, this page was released one month ago today to my supporters, and now the smaller public version is being made public.

This page was a bit unique in that it was written with a different method than usual. Usually I have everyone submit ideas for a full page, and then the winning page through votes is what I use. This time I had them submit individual panels, and then combined the most popular panels into a sort of Chimera page. While I’m pretty happy with the result we got, the process needlessly complicated things for my supporters, so this is the only month we’ll be doing this. It was a fun experiment, though, and I’m glad we tried it.

Also, for those interested in my video series looking back at the superhero world I built when I was younger, here’s part nine:

An Unlikely Meeting, Page 3

So here is the third page to “An Unlikely Meeting”. This comic’s concept and characters were picked out through polls, and then my supporters there write each page individually by submitting ideas and voting on them. Sponsors received this page one month ago today. This page marks the halfway point of the comic, as I set a limit of six pages on this comic when it began (since I felt our last comic of this nature, One Night in Azarath, went on a little too long.

Bulma Riding Trunks

I’ve been trying to make some progress on some of the simpler sketches I have lying around, many of which are simple pics of DBZ ladies (like the Chi-Chi/Gohan one I released not long ago). This is one I did mostly because I just really wanted to draw Dragon Ball Super Bulma, and figured people would be happy to see her paired with Trunks (even if his face doesn’t appear in this pic). I came across this pose a couple times in my live action porn collection and thought it was interesting. It has a lot of the elements I like about the “full nelson” pose, but is easier to pull off with pairings where the one being fucked is larger than the person fucking them. I might use this pose more in future pics.

A Trip to the Past, Page 08

Here’s the eighth page of “A Trip to the Past”! Exciting, right? There’s a new wrinkle to the story added here, after Gohan has worn Goten and Trunks out with his endless appetite.
This is going to be the last ATTTP page for a bit. We’ll be resuming this comic eventually, but I realize how long it’s been that I’ve been leaving my other comics on the shelf. So I’m going to take a break from this one and do a handful of pages for each of my ongoings (starting with Special Training, but I wanna do 2-3 pages for each of them). So I guess the last panel of this comic is a cliffhanger! Yay!

January ’18 One-Shot

Here is the One-Shot for January. This was an interesting one, because the script called for certain pairings out of these six boys (Goten and Trunks from Dragon Ball Z, Gon and Killua from Hunter × Hunter, and my own OCs some of you may remember, Mace and Jackie).  The actual poses were left up to me, and I tried to have some fun with it. The headbands/wristbands/anklebands were also part of the script, color coded to each character. While I admit I didn’t know why they were included at first, they are kinda cute. Hopefully you guys like this crossover between six of the most popular shotas hear at Near Hentai.