
Son Goku Character Ask 7

So this Ask could’ve been answered with just Goku talking to the camera, but then I thought it’d be neat to try and show him with some random crossover boy (even though he doesn’t really have an actual answer to the question. I ended up adding two more boys just ’cause… I’d never accept an Ask that demanded this many characters, but since it was my own decision it’s okay. ^_^; I went with three random boys, trying my best to avoid any sort of theme or anything with the selections. Just three boys who would be in the studio. I guess Goku’s pretty popular around the NH Studio, and he’s such an easy-going guy that he just goes along with whatever.

Near Pokédex M007 – Squirtle

So I had a poll like usual to determine the next Near Pokédex M entry a while back, and it came down to a draw between Squirtle and Eevee. I decided the only right thing to do is both of them, so the next Near Pokédex entry (whenever that comes) will also be a male entry. In the meantime, here’s Squirtle, finally rounding out the Gen 1 starters for both NPM and NPF (though their evolutions are far from complete just yet). I always have problems drawing anthro turtles. I don’t know how their shells are supposed to work, and just like with the NPF Squirtle I ended up kinda winging it and hoping for the best. I’ll probably end up doing the same for any other future turtle Pokémon that show up for the ‘dex.

Jean Spears Bio

So I let these bio pages slip a bit more than I meant to, but here’s a new one. Jean’s an interesting character for me, since he hasn’t had the chance to appear in any sort of comic or anything (yet), just one solo pic and a couple Character Asks. I do have plans to do more with him eventually, but I just haven’t had the chance to. At the very least, this bio should help to flesh out who he is a bit more for those of you interested in him. ^_^

Gohan and Uraraka Character Ask 1

I’ve never combined multiple Asks like this before, but here I felt like it fit. Both Gohan and Uraraka got questions basically looking to see what crossover pairings they might get into, but I think they make a good pairing themselves! I think Uraraka would be attracted to Gohan for a lot of the same traits that draws her to Midoriya, and I think Gohan would reciprocate. So here we are. ^_^


So this is Mermista, of Netflix’s new She-Ra series. I like her in this series a lot. She’s got the deadpan snarker gimmick, combined with a really exotic design that souldn’t work with her dry valley girl-esque voice but kinda does. I wanted to do a quick and simple pic of her before delving into a bit more (I’d like to do pics of her with both She-Ra and Glimmer, similar to the She-Ra/Glimmer pic I did before). There might be more simple Princesses of Power pics like this to come in the future, as well.

Monkey D. Luffy Character Ask 2

I don’t feel great about doing these One Piece Asks, haha. I still don’t feel like I have a good handle on the One Piece style, and while I did used to read the manga and watch the anime back when it was first starting out, it’s been a long time and I don’t feel confident with these characters’ personalities or mannerisms. Hopefully I didn’t mess up too bad with this response. ^_^;

Boa Hancock NHML

So, here we have the very first Near Hentai Monthly Lady of 2019! Boa’s been nominated a number of times by different people, so hopefully a lot of you will enjoy seeing her here! 

With this post, NHML nominations for the month of February are now open. For those who don’t know, I’ll run down the rules real quick. Nominations are limited to one per person, and if I catch anyone trying to do multiple nominations by changing their names I will remove all of that person’s nominations. You can nominate any female character you want, provided I have not drawn her within the past calendar year (though I prefer characters I’ve never drawn, period). Previous NHML winners are not eligible for a second time. Nominees must also not be from the same franchise as this month’s winner, One Piece. If you violate any of those rules, I’ll let you know, and you can nominate someone else. I know it can be hard to keep track of these things. You may nominate by either commenting in the cBox, commenting on this post, or emailing me ( I’ll compile a list of the nominees in the sidebar of this site, and then on February 1st I will use a randomizer to select the winning character who I will proceed to draw sometime that month. I look forward to seeing who you all nominate this time around!

Loren Cox at the Pool, Part 2

So here’s the follow-up to an Epic Tier commission from last month. Seems like between part one and part two, Zak’s managed to get some privacy with Loren in one of those communal shower stalls they have at the pools. They’re not completely alone, as other patrons of the pool are still going about their day on just the other side of the door, but they’re alone enough that they can start to have some fun.