So here’s my second Master Commission this month, featuring Akira and Hikaru from Hikaru no Go. For those not familiar with this series, it’s a battle manga where the battles are games of Go. Hikaru’s the protagonist and Akira is his rival. I used to read the manga to this in Shonen Jump when I was younger, and this series is actually my earliest memory of being attracted to male characters in anime (specifically Akira and Sai, a ghost that helps Hikaru play Go). Both were very feminine and thus easy for me to sexualize, as I still considered myself straight at the time (though my tastes would expand as time passed). I haven’t thought much about this series since those days, though. I never watched the anime and didn’t continue reading the manga after I stopped subscribing to Shonen Jump, so it just sorta fell off my radar. These days, though, the list of characters I’m into in this series is much longer, though I can’t really say if I’ll come back to it. Regardless, it was nice to draw these two finally (even if I personally would’ve reversed the roles). The client behind this commission gave me pretty free reign, just asking for Akira on top and for them to be in a public place, like they just finished a game of Go or something. I couldn’t show other people, since it’s a two-character commission, but I tried to make it look like they were at a Go tournament or something. While coloring I thought the pic kinda looked like it would have an orgasm in it, so I ended up doing two versions: One with cum and one without.
Month: February 2020
February’s Near Hentai Monthly Lady is Nana Shimura, the previous “One For All” holder before All Might and his mentor. I wanted to do a student/teacher angle for this one, so I paired her with a younger All Might. I couldn’t settle on an angle, though, so I incorporated two shots for the pic. I like Nana a lot, but I probably won’t get around to drawing her again so I figured I might as well go all out.
With this post, NHML nominations for the month of March are now open. For those who don’t know, I’ll run down the rules real quick. Nominations are limited to one per person. You can nominate any female character you want, provided I have not drawn her within the past calendar year (though I prefer characters I’ve never drawn, period). Previous NHML winners are not eligible for a second time. Nominees must also not be from the same franchise as this month’s winner, My Hero Academia. If you violate any of those rules, I’ll let you know, and you can nominate someone else. I know it can be hard to keep track of these things. You may nominate by either commenting in the cBox, commenting on this post, or emailing me ( I’ll compile a list of the nominees in the sidebar of this site, and then on March 1st I will use a randomizer to select the winning character who I will proceed to draw sometime that month. I look forward to seeing who you all nominate this time around!
So this one’s kinda wholesome, right? I mean, we’ve got two naked people here, but other than that it’s kinda wholesome. I dunno. This is one where the visual part isn’t super interesting, really, but I knew how I wanted to answer it so I just ran with it. This is also the first time we’re seeing the older Kingdom Hearts 2 Kairi. The One-Shot used the original game’s designs, but I’ve always used KH2 Sora as my “default” for things like the Studio Tour game or Asks, so I figured I should use the same Kairi. It’d be a little weird to see KH2 Sora answer with his arm around KH1 Kairi, I think… Anyway, Sora’s got a new friend in the studio so that’s great for him.
Here’s another commission for the month. I’ve got two Master Commissions that came due at the same time, and this is the first of them. The client for this one wanted to see Fie Claussell from The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel getting eaten out by a girl with her feet showing. At first the second girl was going to be someone I picked from the Near Hentai Studio roster, but since I don’t know this franchise or Fie at all I asked the client if there was anyone from her games that could be used. They decided Laura Arseid would be a good partner for her, so that’s where we are. I know Fie’s been nominated for the NHML raffle a couple times. Even though she never won that, she did finally make her way into my work through this commission. ^_^
Here’s a third Final Fantasy VII commission I’ve completed. We saw Cait Sith with Red XIII, and Cait Sith with Yuffie, but now all three are together. This sort of this is outside of my wheelhouse (as I’m sure you all can tell), but I did my best with it and I hope those of you who’re into this sort of thing enjoy it.
So, I don’t really know much about the Seven Deadly Sins or Gowther, but I tried my best to use what I did know in Gowther’s response here. As I recall, he’s more of an emotionless doll boy than a sex god (or sex doll, lol), but I figured a cutie like him would still garner attention from others in the Near Hentai Studio setting. I went back and forth on who to pair him with (didn’t want to use Goku or Luffy, since I feel they’re both a bit played out), and in the end I settled on using my OC Zak Corrado.
This here’s a commission I did featuring Nagisa and Karma of Assassination Classroom, getting some special attention from their tentacled teacher, Korosensei. I had a pic similar to this I started a year or two ago, but ultimately dropped, so it’s kinda nice to get to do this now even if it’s a completely different pic. Nagisa and Karma are both cuties, and I’m sure everyone’s first thought when they saw Korosensei was of the old hentai trope those tentacles could be used for.
Here’s last month’s One-Shot comic, released here now. This one sees Sora pairing up with a handful of princesses from the first Kingdom Hearts game. A lot of this one was left up to me, including poses and locations. I tried to place each scene in an area from the game where Sora actually met the character being shown. Hope you all enjoy the comic page!
And with this, we wrap up the latest ongoing comic written by my supporters. Double Love Triangle was a fun ride, I think, but it’s over now. Usually I would start up a new comic for my supporters to write next month, but I’ve decided to take a break from them for a bit. Instead I’ll be expanding to the monthly One-Shots to five panels instead of four (which you’ll see in March). The Ongoing comics will come back eventually, I’m sure, but I’ve been overworking myself at the end of every month to get them done and needed a break. ^_^;