Took a minute, but here’s the next Hypno’s Harem page! Like I suggested before, James follows Jessie right into Hyopno’s clutches. I know a few people would probably like to see Meowth also get a page, but I intend to stick with just humans for this series. So next time we’ll move on to someone else.
Hope this series continues, next one should be a female one, wonder who would it be?
Probably Delia Ketchum searching for her son, one of the many Nurse Joy or Officer Jenny too, maybe even someone niche from a popular episode like Giselle? Can’t wait!
Really enjoying this mini series. Hypno, secretly the naughtiest pokemon.
Why not prof. Oak, Garry, Richie, Tracy or Giovanni for the next male part ;3
I would like to see more of this series.
Even with Gary or his grandpa would be nice ;3