Killua Zoldyck Character Ask 16

I figure I might as well address this. I don’t really see Killua as insecure enough to let something like this bother him, especially since I’ve always portrayed him as more of a bottom, anyways. I did consider having him fucking Gon here in this Ask to play into his point at the end, but then I got worried it might come across like he was only answering the way he was because Gon was there… I’ve done a few “standing around talking” Asks with Killua already, though, so instead I thought he could show off what he’s proud of over a giant cock: that tight, pink bussy.

Tomoko’s Alone Time at NHS, Page 1

This is a new comic I had the idea for while working on A Trip to the Past. This is the next step in my comic rotation, so I’ll be doing a few pages of this comic before moving on to do a few pages of Titans Tower Nights.
This comic was inspired by one of Tomoko’s Asks, and is going to follow the Near Hentai Studio version of her as she masturbates. Starting on the next page, we’ll be privy to her fantasies, which will range from straight, to yaoi, to yuri, to bi. Since she’s such a degenerate (relatable), my hope is to fit a little bit of everything into this comic. This page is just setting up the premise, though.

Pan Character Ask 1

Pan is one of only a handful of Dragon Ball characters I’ve drawn but never done crossover stuff with. I figured this Ask was as good a chance as any to rectify that, so here we are. Perhaps it’s because I usually draw her with Bra (and, to a lesser extent, Marron), but I picture Pan being into classy/trendy girls, in contrast to her own tomboyish nature. There’s plenty of characters like that in the Studio, far more than she mentioned here, but I chose Noelle as the example mostly because I know people like her, but I just don’t see myself drawing much Black Clover content outside of Asks. Also, I think this is a fun, unusual pairing, and I always enjoy throwing strange crossovers out there.

Munchin’ Machi 1

I checked out Interviews with Monster Girls recently, and was pleasantly surprised by it. I grew more attached than I was expecting to the four main girls of the show, but I especially liked Machi here. Even though most of the cast are monster girls/demi-chans, Machi’s the only one who is clearly not a normal human at first glance. As a dullahan, her head is disconnected and her neck shoots magic fire of some kind. I wanted to do the obvious thing and draw her pleasuring herself orally, but I couldn’t settle on a pose. So, I drew three variations of the same idea, and I think I’ll try to ink and color all of them (though we’ll see). This is the first one, for now.

Eda Clawthorne Character Ask 5

So, Eda’s name has been included in a handful of the Fusion polls I’ve run over on SubscribeStar, but so far she hasn’t gotten the votes to be in one. I think she’d see participating in a Fusion to be a bit of a status symbol, and probably wants to get in one eventually as part of her aspirations to be a top performer in the Near Hentai Studio. I wanted to establish that in this Ask, but I also wanted to pair her up with a Fusion for her answer. Pinkfire’s gotten some attention on my Discord server lately, and I figured she’d be as good a fit as any.

A Trip to the Past, Page 17

So, here it is, the final page of A Trip to the Past. Since I charge extra for any characters beyond two for a comic, and because the commissioner really wanted more Goku/Gohan action, we decided to focus the remainder of this comic on them. However, after I’ve gone through my comic rotation listed on the front page of my site, we’re going to talk about potentially doing a part two. Nothing’s set in stone yet, but I feel like part two will probably happen, and will have the foursome content some people have been talking about wanting to see over the past few updates. We’ll see. For now, I’m shifting focus to a new comic I’ve been looking forward to starting, and hopefully the first page of that will come out before too long.

Shigeo Kageyama Character Ask 2

I’m currently re-watching Mob Psycho 100 with my younger siblings, so seeing an Ask for Mob was a fun surprise for me. He’s someone I thought I’d be drawing a bit more often when he first debuted, and I had an idea of how to answer this one right away. Of course, the Asker seems to be under the impression the Studio is a place people go, when I usually portray it more as an interdimensional commune of sorts where porn versions of these characters live… But that aside, I thought Kirishima would be a fun partner for him. I like the idea of Mob still trying to improve his physical body by going to the gym, and more than anyone Kirishima has the right energy of the Body Improvement Club from Mob Psycho 100. It’s very easy for me to picture Kirishima encouraging Mob at the gym, fueling him with positive reinforcement and good vibes. So, for that reason, he seemed like a good candidate for this pic. Also, I believe this is the first time we’ve seen Mob penetrated on-camera.