Tag Archives: Ben 10

Studio Christmas Party Highlights 2024

As has become tradition, here is a compilation of some moments from this year’s Studio Christmas party. Hiro Hamada won the lottery to get chosen as the official Studio Santa this year, but as you can see he’s not the only one sporting the look. I had a lot of fun putting together this year’s party, and I tried to fit in an eclectic selection of characters. I hope there’s a little something for most everyone here, and I’d like to wish you all Happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas.

NHS Fusions – Goben Sonnyson

I feel like I’m winding down on the Fusion gimmick. I still like them, but I’m not sure how many more new ones I’ll do. I’ve got at least one more poll wrapped up to draw the results for, but that may be the last one (at least for a while). I’ve got lots of Fusion Bios left to do still, though.
As for this one, I was surprised to see Ben do as well as he did. I’m often surprised by the support for Ben 10 content I see whenever he shows up in a poll or whatever, but now he’s gotten to fuse with one of the most popular boys on the roster, Gohan. I held of on including Gohan in any polls just because I knew he’d win as soon as he was on one, and sure enough that’s what happened. I tried to find the most unique elements of both boys’ designs to bring together here, and I hope y’all will like him.

Nate Adams Character Ask 2

I don’t feel like there’s much here for me to elaborate on. I don’t watch Yo-kai Watch, but Nate seems like a pretty outgoing and friendly kid. I’m sure he’d have no trouble making friends in the Studio, and there’s honestly probably a lot of characters I could’ve put in this pic with him. I went with Ben just because I like that they’re both brown-haired boys with watches on their left arms, I guess, though any of the monster-collecting boys could’ve also worked for similar reasons.

October ’20 One-Shot

So this is the One-Shot comic I did for October, submitted by one of my SubscribeStar supporters. This is another one with a variety of pairings in each panel, though this comic has the theme of superhero boys to tie them together. The script listed which pairings should appear in which panels, though the overall posing and such were left to my discretion. I hope you all like the final result.

NHS Calendar #1 – March (Zangya/Ben and Gwen Tennyson)

I know it’s been a while, but I finally got around to finishing this third “March” page for the calendar project. Just a reminder for anyone who doesn’t remember, but the gimmick of this project is that I took the top most frequently tagged characters on my site (that is, the characters who’ve appeared in the greatest number of posts), and then used a randomizer to create twelve distinct pairings from that group. Now, here we see the first threesome in this project. Basically, a handful of the characters I felt like keeping together (basically giving the two of them one slot together, which allowed for more characters to be fit into the project), and Ben and Gwen here are one example of that. The incestuous cousins got paired up with Zangya, and I decided to let them have a bit of fun on the blue Character Ask couch. Since the room the Ask couch is in changes colors every month, I just shifted it to a tealish-greenish room for this pic to match the green St. Patrick’s Day colors used for the font.

Double Love Triangle, Page Ten

And with this, we wrap up the latest ongoing comic written by my supporters. Double Love Triangle was a fun ride, I think, but it’s over now. Usually I would start up a new comic for my supporters to write next month, but I’ve decided to take a break from them for a bit. Instead I’ll be expanding to the monthly One-Shots to five panels instead of four (which you’ll see in March). The Ongoing comics will come back eventually, I’m sure, but I’ve been overworking myself at the end of every month to get them done and needed a break. ^_^;