Tag Archives: Pokémon

Near Pokédex F654 – Braixen

While I haven’t played many of the newer Pokémon games, I did play Pokémon Y and had fire starter for that game. Braixen seems to have become the most popular stage of that evolution line, even though I remember really liking Delphox. Braixen got the big push by being a main character in the anime, plus (if I remember correctly) a playable fighter in Pokken Tournament (which I only played a bit of). Anyway, I thought she’d make for a good Pokédex F entry here.

Near Pokédex M807 – Zeraora

Here’s another Pokédex entry, this time with Zeraora. I’m not familiar with this Pokémon, personally, but it was recommended to me by a friend. I guess this one was introduced in the “Ultra” version of Sun and Moon, but I only played regular Moon. There’s also a movie focusing on this Mythical Pokémon. Being one of the more anthro-looking ones it was easy to adapt this design for the Pokédex, and I hope y’all will like him.

Near Pokédex F461 – Weavile

Weavile’s a relatively popular Pokémon to lewd, I think in part due to how their eyes are done. I figured it’d be a good one for the female Pokédex, so here she is.

Also, for anyone interested. here’s the Q&A video I did for Subscribers last month:

Hypno’s Harem #6 – Jenny

Sorry for the long pause on this series, but here’s a new entry! Officer Jenny looks into the disappearances that have been happening lately, and ends up biting off more than she can chew when she stumbles across the source.
I don’t know if it’ll be another months-long break until the seventh Hypno page, but hopefully I’ll be able to get the next one out before too terribly long.

Studio Life Magazine 5 with Jessie

I finally got around to doing another Studio Life Magazine cover, and this is the first one to be done with the Subscriber-nomination system I plan to use going forward. The theme I gave Subscribers was “bad girls”, in order to make sure we got out first female cover, and there were a lot of good nominations. I went with Jessie ’cause I feel like she’s got a pretty strong presence in my work while also feeling kinda underrepresented. I’m also just really fond of her, so it was nice to do a simple little pic like this. I’d like to do these a bit more frequently, if I can manage, since they’re pretty easy on me while also seeming to be popular with a lot of folks.