Gohan’s Choice

This was an idea I had a while back, but sat dormant for a while until I felt I had the time to complete it. I thought it’d be fun to present three of the closest women in Gohan’s Studio life: his wife, his mother, and his bottom bitch. Obviously we’ve seen him with a much wider harem of ladies during his time in the Studio, but I feel like these three stand apart. Also, using someone with a unique skin color like Zangya made this angle of triple-stacking more possible, since I didn’t have to show her face to make it clear who’s ass that was. I considered adding in Gohan in the corner, like I’ve done occasionally for some other pics where the boy’s face isn’t shown, but I decided against it so people could plug in whichever era of Gohan is their favorite (Hell, even Gohan F, if you want) instead of me dictating it to them.


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