
Butt Witch’s Busy Weekend, Page 12

Here’s the twelfth page of Butt Witch’s Busy Weekend! Najimi was originally going to be the eleventh page, but they got pushed back a spot to make room for Cheetara. They finally get their turn now, and it seems like they had fun. I figured it’d be in-character for them to dress up a bit for the stream, and I’m happy with how the page turned out in the end.

Also, for anyone interested, here is the Q&A video I did for Subscribers last month:

Sailor Moon Character Ask 5

With this Ask I wanted to go with someone who’s kinda in line with the types of villains Sailor Moon faces in her show, but is also completely removed from the genre. It’s a difficult balance to walk, but one I think provides the most interesting result, so I went with Demencia from Villainous. Demencia’s a character I always meant to do more with, and I think she makes a unique but interesting partner for Sailor Moon here as she explores the world of hero/villain play in the Studio.

First Shoot #23 – Gwen Stacy

This First Shoot poll was won by Gwen Stacy, specifically the one from the Spiderverse movies. Those films sit in a weird place for me, as there’s several characters I was interested in drawing from them, but a number of factors kept me from doing anything with them. I don’t think I’m comfortable talking about those factors here, but Gwen’s a popular character who’s getting to make her NHS debut now. I figured the most logical reaction from her to arriving in the Studio would be to fall back on her experience with hopping between dimensions, so that’s the angle I took.