Tag Archives: Crossover

Camp Woody Ch. 1 – Camp Chaos Page 3

Finished coloring the third page of Camp Woody. I’m still surprised at how quickly these pages are finishing, it usually takes me much longer to color my own work.

Speaking of my own work, I’ll be posting the newest Eromugen page sometime tomorrow, if everything goes according to plan.

Writer: Slim
Producer & Editor: Jayrich & No Pants
Artists: 60W/Linno
Colorists: Nearphostison (Me)

COY 17 – Zhen Ji/Rio

COY stands for Cross Over Yuri. The premise is pretty simple, I have a list I’ve compiled of over 600 cute girls from various anime and manga. I then use a random number generator to make pairing, which I then draw. Every third picture is a threesome.

It’s a bit funny to me that a random process for character selection would churn out two video game characters, but here we are! Zhen Ji is from Dynasty Warriors, and I decided to go with a general appearance for her, rather than try and imitate a specific design. Rio is from Monster Rancher, a game series I’ve gone on record before as being a fan of. Truth be told, I actually have a pack of images drawn for all the prominent female characters of that game, but the project tapered off and none of them are done. Now if I were to post them, they’d be pretty far behind my current level of work… but at least we have this!

COY 16 – Midori/Ropponmatsu II

COY stands for Cross Over Yuri. The premise is pretty simple, I have a list I’ve compiled of over 600 cute girls from various anime and manga. I then use a random number generator to make pairing, which I then draw. Every third picture is a threesome.

I had a bit of a dilemma with this one, in that I very nearly had Midori still on Seiji’s arm for this picture. In the end I decided that the image itself would likely suffer from this, as I couldn’t find a way to make this sexy to me. It’s one thing to have a tiny girl rubbing against a giant cock, it’s another entirely to have her suffocating inside another girl’s vagina. So, I opted to have her be in her true form, even though she has very few appearances like this in the anime.

Of course Ropponmatsu had to be on top. 😛

COY 15 – May/Shirley/Jun

COY stands for Cross Over Yuri. The premise is pretty simple, I have a list I’ve compiled of over 600 cute girls from various anime and manga. I then use a random number generator to make pairing, which I then draw. Every third picture is a threesome.

I have mixed feelings on this one. On the one hand, I’m rather happy with the pose and I think that (mostly) it turned out well. I also really like all three of the characters in this one. I loved Shirley in Code Geass, most because I have a soft spot for school girl woobies. I like May, too, although she’s second to Misty in my list of Pokémon chicks. Jun was a girl I wasn’t familiar with until I started coloring GodOfChaos’s work, and she pops up a lot in his stuff. So I was good on those fronts.

But I don’t know… something’s off. I know what it is, but I don’t want to point it out in case it’s not as obvious to other people. You should know, though, that if anything here looks a bit weird, it’s because it looked weird in the photo reference I used. I checked and double-checked, and it’s just due to the odd angle or something.