So, if I’m not mistaken, this is actually our 100th One-Shot, which is wild to think about. I’ve been doing these monthly since the fall of 2016, and there’s still plenty more to come! This one was won by a relatively new Subscriber, and is a focus piece on Invincible’s Atom Eve. She’s a character I feel like there’s some demand for more of, so I hope y’all will enjoy this action with her. I think I personally would’ve stuck with pairing her with other ladies from Invincible, since there’s a lot of good ones I haven’t drawn yet, but they instead elected for a more eclectic lineup. I hope y’all will enjoy it!
I love Garnet and have wanted to do more with her for a while. I wasn’t happy with many of my recent attempts to draw her, though, so she hasn’t appeared as much as some of her fellow Gems. I decided to try and rectify that a bit with this Ask, which I think is kinda fun. I paired her with King Vegeta partly because I thought this Subscriber might like that choice, but also to give her kind of a starter Saiya-jin for her return to the screen.
I don’t really know that much about the demons of Demon Slayer, but I figured an answer like this might be appropriate for this question. The Saike Demon is a minor Dragon Ball Z movie character who doesn’t have much screentime or characterization. He seems like a friendly guy, though, and I’m sure Tanjiro would prefer dealing with him over more malicious demons.
So there’s a few different characters who I could’ve paired Alex with here, even more if you count “spy-coded” characters like Kim Possible. However, something about pairing Alex with Lana spoke to me, and I’ve been thinking about Archer more lately for some reason anyway. So here’s the first drawing I’ve done of Lana since 2011 with Alex of Totally Spies!
This is the second half of a split Lord Tier commission. In this one they wanted to see Cheetara eating out Catra (who’s mostly removed because of the commission split).