So this Ask refers back to the December ’17 One-Shot, which featured Ash giving Ritchie a footjob in one panel. Ash’s answer here is pretty straightforward, I don’t think it needs elaborating.
So originally this was just the big image, but I wanted to show more of the whole “ass eating” thing to I added in the other two panels to kinda flesh it out a bit. Even though all three of them were pretty simple, it ended up taking a long time to finish because I kept getting discouraged by how much was left. After finally finishing it I’m pretty happy with the final result, and I hope you all enjoy it.
So this is last month’s One-Shot comic page. As you can see, it’s a gangbang for Ash featuring a couple familiar faces and some new ones I haven’t drawn before. Natsu and Luffy both made a lot of sense to be here, as the person who submitted this script has been pushing for me to draw both of them for a while, and Beast Boy is a constant favorite around here, but I was surprised to see Sorey come out of the woodwork for this one. I haven’t drawn him in ages, though I guess he is a veteran at these yaoi crossover orgies. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this one!
I went back and forth on how to handle this one for a long time. I felt like the asker was probably hoping to see either Meowth fucking Pikachu or Pikachu fucking Meowth, but something about that just didn’t sit right with me. Given the relationship Meowth and the rest of Team Rocket has on the show, where they’re mostly antagonists but occasionally allies, I can see how shipping could occur between members of the two groups. Meowth was even a part of Ash’s team for a few episodes in Best Wishes (though it was ultimately just a ruse). So maybe somewhere along the way they would’ve had the chance to hook up, but ultimately the status quo is that Meowth wants to catch Pikachu, and so Pikachu would likely never trust him enough to consent (outside of those rare moments where they’re allies), and Meowth’s attempts at catching him are ineffective enough that he probably wouldn’t get the chance to do much in a non-con type of way. So, this is the response I felt best reflected their relationship.
So here’s one of the commissions bought at the Epic Tier this month. This commission was inspired in part by a Meowth Character Ask I did last month. It’s set during the first Pokémon movie, when Mewtwo made clones of the Pokémon in the area. The tops here (excluding Mewtwo) are clones, so the Meowth with his arms behind his back is Team Rocket’s and the Pikachu with cum all over his face is Ash’s.
Also, here’s the penultimate episode of my superhero retrospective series. The final episode will air in tomorrow’s post.
I’m trying my very best to keep up a decent pace with these Pokédex now that I’m back in the swing with them. No idea how long that drive will last, but hopefully we can bust through a few more ‘mons before I start forgetting about it again.
Anyway, Mew just barely won the last poll, and since she’s so special I tried to do something different with her entry’s setting. Instead of the normal trees or whatever the majority of the entries have been in, Mew and her trainer (or partner, anyway, I kinda doubt this guy actually caught her) are floating around in the night sky. I think it’s kinda pretty looking!
Also here’s episode seven of my video series looking through the superhero drawings I did in my school years:
This post was originally going to come out later in the month, but the client who commissioned it already released it elsewhere so I guess I’m moving it up the schedule. Also, he added a texture to the boy’s scarf that wasn’t there in the original (it’s a pain in the ass to do a texture like that and have it look good, but I guess he didn’t actually care if it looked good so that’s my bad), since that’s what he wanted I’m using that version here.
Anyway, this commission was purchased through my Epic Tier on. The client wanted his Pokémon OC Idriss (and his Lucario) tied up and toyed with by an Infernape and Zoroark (the latter of which only appears through its arms in this picture. I typically tend to turn down OC commissions, but I took this one on since this client has been a supporter at a high level for a long time and I think that loyalty deserves some special treatment. Hopefully you guys will enjoy seeing his character made the plaything of wild Pokémon like this. ^_^
Below you’ll find the fourth episode of my look back at the old superhero universe I was building throughout most of my childhood.
So the last Near Pokédex poll was really close! Machop won out in the end, though. I’ve been wanting to try and get a few more of these Pokédex entries out, so I didn’t waste any time starting this one. Looking at the basic Machop design, I thought it’d be cute to show the little guy’s phat booty. I think the final result turned out pretty cute!
So some of you who don’t follow my work very closely may not be familiar with Trainer Anya. She’s a Pokémon trainer based on my friend Anya Lykke ( that I’ve drawn a couple times. Now, Anya wasn’t fishing for a drawing of this character with this Ask (if that’s what she wanted, she could’ve just asked Trainer Anya a question, since I view her as one of my OCs), but when I was thinking about how to answer it I decided it’d be cute to draw the Near Pokédex Sylveon with Anya.
Just a note, this Ask is actually being posted way earlier than it should be so it’ll land on Valentine’s Day. The publicly-released Asks are currently still in the January batch, but this one came out of the February batch. I think it’s worth it, though, to get it out in time for the holiday.