Tag Archives: Chainsaw Man

Aki Hayakawa Character Ask 2

I think a lot of Aki’s characterization in Chainsaw Man is informed by his motivations that I won’t spoil in case anyone reading this hasn’t seen Chainsaw Man yet. I think that drive really shapes his serious, meticulous character, and I think being in the Studio without that motivation might affect him. On the one hand, it has allowed him to loosen up and learn to be happy with Himeno, which is great for her, but here we see it maybe troubling him a little bit. Our serious boy’s become something of a playboy, and the poor slob just can’t seem to get out of the bed in the morning. I went with a hair-down look for both Aki and Choso here to help convey that morning messiness a little bit, hope it comes across.

Studio Christmas Party Highlights 2024

As has become tradition, here is a compilation of some moments from this year’s Studio Christmas party. Hiro Hamada won the lottery to get chosen as the official Studio Santa this year, but as you can see he’s not the only one sporting the look. I had a lot of fun putting together this year’s party, and I tried to fit in an eclectic selection of characters. I hope there’s a little something for most everyone here, and I’d like to wish you all Happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas.

Yoruichi Shihouin Character Ask 1

Yoruichi’s a character who’s struggled to get in appearances since debuting in that pin-up a while back, but I figured I could use this Ask to not only bring her back into the spotlight, but also set up a little Studio lore for how she’s been spending her time. I’ve mentioned the Studio’s cat cafe, Catflix & Chill, before in a previous Ask (one featuring Yoruichi’s costars here, Power and Anzu). While the cats who appear there are mostly regular cats, I thought the idea of Yoruichi going there in cat form to get pampered and relax sounded like a cute idea that could tie this Ask together.

Beach Treat, Page 5

Here’s page five of Beach Treat! I don’t think there’s much I can say about this page right now, but I tried to keep the story moving in a reasonable direction with the scripts I had. It felt like some ideas were eager to jump to a point that didn’t feel natural to me from where we were, and I hope those Subscribers don’t get discourage that their ideas didn’t show up here. I’m not against them, but I don’t want to force them in just to move the comic in that direction. I think this page flows naturally from the last, and I’m curious to see where we go from here.

Studio Life Magazine 9 with Denji

Here’s the ninth Studio Life magazine cover. At the time that I invited nominations from Subscribers for this cover, I hadn’t done a male-focused one in a while (the commission with Gon hadn’t happened yet). So the theme this time was just male characters, and there was a variety of nominations. In the end I went with Denji, who’s a character with a pretty unique situation in the Studio who’s also made a lot of appearances, so I thought he’d make a good cover star.