Gohan F Character Ask 1

I recognize that the person who asked this question may have been looking for for, like… someone like Zangya, or someone who could femdom girl Gohan. However, I don’t know if I really see Gohan as someone who seeks out that sort of thing actively, but rather just rolls with it if she likes whomever the other woman is. If Gohan F is going to be showing up in more works, though, I thought this Ask could be a good opportunity to start introducing more friends that are unique to her. As fun as it is to see Gohan F pairing up with people who the original Gohan is associated with, I think it makes sense for her to have her own friend group, too. Rin just kinda clicked to me as someone Gohan F might get along well with, although I don’t know how well I could articulate it beyond Rin being a smart, outdoorsy girl (though less social than Gohan). I also kinda like the idea of Gohan F being subconsciously reminded of one of her moms by Rin’s signature hairstyle.

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