- Aang
- Abigail Mae Lockhart
- Absol
- Ace Attorney
- A Christmas Carol
- Addicted to My Little Brother's Ass
- Adeline Fortuna
- Adora
- Adrien Agreste
- Advance Wars
- Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
- Adventures of the Gummi Bears
- Adventure Time
- Adélie
- Aerith Gainsborough
- Aether
- Agent Honeydew
- Aharis
- A Hero Emerges
- Ahlbi Ur'gaid
- Ahsoka Tano
- Aichi Sendou
- Aim at Planet Namek!
- Aimee Brightower
- Ainz Ooal Gown
- Ais Wallenstein
- Ai Yori Aoshi
- Aja Tarron
- Akane-san
- Akane Tsunemori
- Akemi Aizawa
- Akemi Roppongi
- Aki Hayakawa
- Akima Kunimoto
- Akimoto Kumiko
- Akimoto Yukie
- Akina Orifushi
- A Kind of Magic
- Akira (Kemono Jihen)
- Akira Hayama
- Akira Toya
- Akita Oga
- Akitaru Ōbi
- Akiza Izinski
- Akuno Toujou
- Aladdin
- Aladdin (Magi)
- Alana
- Albedo
- Alcina Dimitrescu
- Alex Casoy
- Alex D.
- Alexis Rhodes
- Alex Miranda
- Alex Oliver
- Alfie
- Alfin
- Alice
- Alice Asmodeus
- Alice in Wonderland
- Alice Nakiri
- Alien Registration
- Alito
- Allen
- Allen the Alien
- All Grown Up!
- Allister
- Alluka Zoldyck
- Aloe
- Alois Trancy
- Amanda
- Amanda (Monster Girl)
- Amane
- Amazonians
- Amber (Space Leaper)
- Amber Bennett
- Amber O'Malley
- Amelie
- America: The Motion Picture
- American Dad
- American Dragon: Jake Long
- Amethyst
- Ami Mizuno
- Amira
- Amity Blight
- Amphibia
- Amy Brant
- Amy Rose
- Amy Wong
- Andra
- Android 16
- Android 17
- Android 17 F
- Android 18
- Android 21
- Andy (Advance Wars)
- Angel
- Angela
- angelbreed
- Angelica Pickles
- Angel Sanctuary
- Angewomon
- Animal Crossing
- Animaniacs
- Ankha
- Anne Boonchuy
- Annie Bellwood
- Annie Leonhart
- Ann Takamaki
- Antimony Carver
- Anubis
- An Unlikely Meeting
- Anya Forger
- Anya Loup
- Anzu Hoshino
- Aoi Hana
- Aoi Inuyama
- Ape Escape
- Ape Escape 3
- Aphelandra
- Applebridge
- Applebridge Bios
- Applebridge Snapshots
- Applejack
- Apple Wilson
- April Glover
- Aprilla
- April O'Neil
- A Pup Named Scooby-Doo
- Aqua
- Arbok
- Archer
- ArcticKamiii
- Arella Roth
- Argent
- Argilla
- Arlene Wilcox
- Armin Arlert
- Armor
- Arnold Perlstein
- Artemis
- Arthur
- Arthur Boyle
- Arthur Read
- Artie Smarty
- Arumi Asahina
- Asami Sato
- Asbel Lhant
- Ashe Duran
- Ash Ketchum
- Ashley Hudson
- A Silent Voice
- Asriel Dreemurr
- Assassination Classroom
- Assistant-kun
- Asta
- Astaroth
- Asta Staria
- Astolfo
- Astrid Hofferson
- Asuka Langley Sohryu
- Asuka Wildstar
- Asuna Yuuki
- Asuta Jimon
- Atlantis: The Lost Empire
- Atreus
- A Trip to the Past
- Atsushi Nakajima
- Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
- Attack on Titan
- Audrey Ramirez
- Aunt Cass
- Aunt May
- Aura Bella Fiora
- Aura Blackquill
- Aurora Bate
- Aurum Aliniesectator
- Avatar
- Aversa
- A Visit From Mrs. Claus
- Axel
- Ayako
- Ayame
- Ayeka Masaki Jurai
- Ayuko Hayami
- Ayumu "Osaka" Kasuga
- Azraela
- Azula
- Azumanga Daioh
- Azura
- Azurah
- Bachiko Barbatos
- Bad Launch
- Bagheera
- Bakugeta
- Bakugoku
- Balalaika
- Baloo
- Bandar-log
- Bank Dancers
- Barbados Slim
- Barbara Gordon
- Bardock
- Bart Simpson
- Batgirl
- Batman
- Batman: Arkham
- Batman: The Animated Series
- Batman and Harley Quinn
- Batman Beyond
- Baymax
- Bayonetta
- Bayonetta (character)
- bbmbbf
- Beach Treat
- Beastars
- Beast Boy
- Beast of Her Dreams
- Beat
- Beauty
- Beauty and the Beast
- Becky Blackbell
- Beelzebub
- Beerus
- Bei Bratsu
- Beidou
- Bell Cranel
- Belle
- Ben 10
- Bender Bending Rodríguez
- Bennett
- Ben Tennyson
- ben_10mil
- Beor O'Shift
- Berryblue
- Berry Punch
- Berserk
- Beth Smith
- Beverly Binford
- Beyblade
- Bible Black
- Big Barda
- Big Hero 6
- Big Macintosh
- Bigtop Burger
- Bijob
- Biko Daitokuji
- Billie (Bigtop Burger)
- Billy Uglio
- Birdgirl
- Birds of Prey
- Biscuit Krueger
- Bitzi Baxter
- Bizarro
- Black and White
- Black Butler
- Black Canary
- Black Cat
- Black Clover
- Blackfire
- Black Hat
- Blackhawks
- Black Lagoon
- Black Orchid
- Black Panther
- Blackstar
- Blastoise
- Blaziken
- Bleach
- Bling
- Blinky the Clown
- Blitzen (Batman)
- Bloo
- Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
- Blossom
- Blue Exorcist
- Boa Hancock
- Bob
- Bobby Glover
- Bobby the Barbarian
- Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
- Bob Parr
- Bocchi the Rock!
- Boin
- Boingo
- Bokoblin
- Bolin
- Bonkers
- Bonkers D. Bobcat
- Bonnie
- Bonyu
- BooBies Calendar
- Booey Bubblehead
- Boogle
- Borgos
- Boruto: Naruto Next Generations
- Boruto Uzumaki
- Bovia
- Bow
- Bowser
- Bowser Jr.
- Bra Briefs
- Braceface
- Braeburn
- Brain Dead 13
- Braixen
- Brandish µ
- Brandon Johnson
- Brandy and Mr. Whiskers
- Brandy Harrington
- BraveStarr
- Breath of the Wild
- Brenda Glover
- Bride of F
- Brighid
- Brit Crust
- Brocco
- Brock
- Broly
- Brooke Bishop
- Brooke Lynn
- Bruce Wayne
- Bubbles Blowton
- Buddy Armstrong
- Bug-A-Boo
- Bugs Bunny
- Bulbasaur
- Bullet Train Transforming Robot Shinkalion
- Bulma's Afterparty
- Bulma Briefs
- Bumblebee
- Bungo Stray Dogs
- Bunny Bravo
- Buster Baxter
- Butterfree
- Butt Witch
- Butt Witch's Busy Weekend
- Buzz Aldrin
- Byleth
- By the Grace of the Gods
- Bébé's Kids
- C.C.
- Cabba
- Caitlin Cooke
- Cait Sith
- Caleb Foster
- Callie Maggotbone
- CallMePo
- Camie Utsushimi
- Camila Noceda
- Camilla
- Cammy White
- Camp Buddy
- Camp Woody
- Cana Alberona
- Canary
- Candace Flynn
- Candy
- Canute
- Capsule Corp Receptionist
- Captain Ginyu
- Captain Planet
- Captain Planet and the Planeteers
- Captain Tsubasa
- Caravan Palace
- Cardcaptor Sakura
- Cardfight!! Vanguard
- Care Bears
- Carla
- Carl Grimes
- Carlos Gomez
- Carlos Ramon
- Carly Sims
- Carmella Creeper
- Carmen Sandiego
- Carnal Kingdom
- Carol Olston
- Carrot
- Carrot Cake
- Casca
- Casey Buckner
- Cassandra de Rolo
- Cassie
- Cassie Sandsmark
- Catalina Bobcat
- Catherine
- Catra
- Catrina
- Catwoman
- Caulifla
- Cavin
- Caway
- CCat
- Cecilia Sunbeam
- Cecil Lang
- Celeste Zara
- Cell
- Cell Jr.
- Centaurworld
- Chadley
- Chad Spilker
- Chainsaw Man
- Character Asks
- Character Dares
- Charizard
- Charlie "Strongarm"
- Charlotte Cinnamon
- Charlotte LaBouff
- Charlotte Pickles
- Charlotte Pudding
- Charlotte Smoothie
- Charmander
- Charmeleon
- Chase Murphy
- Chastity Knott
- Chazz Princeton
- Check Mate
- Cheelai
- Cheerilee
- Cheetara
- Chel
- Chesire
- ChesterZee
- Chhota Bheem
- Chhota Bheem (series)
- Chi-Chi
- Chi-Chi the Sitter
- Chiaki Hayasaka
- Chiaki Ōgaki
- Chiaotzu
- Chief Doctor
- Chie Satonaka
- Chihiro
- Chihiro Ogino
- Chika
- Chilchuck Tims
- Chip
- Chiyo-chan
- Chiyo-dad
- Chizuru Aizawa
- Chloe
- Chloe Carmichael
- Chocolove McDonell
- Chode McBlob
- Chongyun
- Choso
- Chris McGroarty
- Chrissy
- Chris Thorndyke
- Christina Cooper
- Christmas
- Christopher Robin
- Chrom
- Chronoa
- Chrono Cross
- Chun-Chi
- Chun-Li
- Chutki
- Cia
- Ciel Kirahoshi
- Ciel Phantomhive
- Cinderace
- Cinderella
- Cindy
- Cindy McPhearson
- Cir-El
- Cironielian Chrysalis Eater
- City Hunter
- Clair
- Claire Field Symphonia
- Claire Nuñez
- Clancy Gilroy
- Clark Kent
- Clayface
- Clean Break
- Clefairy
- Clementine
- Clementine (Overlord)
- Clemont
- Cloak and Dagger
- Closing Time
- Cloud Kicker
- Cloud Strife
- Cloudy Jay
- Clover Ewing
- Clyde the Clown
- Cobra Queen
- Coco
- Cocotte
- Code Geass
- Codename: Kids Next Door
- Cody Hida
- Coed Capers After Lights Out
- Colorization
- Colossus
- Commander Shepard
- Conan
- Conan Edogawa
- Conan the Adventurer
- Conan the Barbarian
- Connie Maheswaran
- Cooking Mama
- Cooler
- Cool World
- Coraline
- Coraline Jones
- Cordelia Starling
- Corey Park
- Corinne Crane
- Corrin
- Cosmo
- Courtney Masterson
- Cousin Mel
- Cowboy Bebop
- Crayon Shin-chan
- Crimvael
- Cristina de Sange
- Crossover
- Crusher Girl
- Crusher Joe
- Cry for Dawn
- Cubone
- Cup Cake
- Cupcake
- Cybele Sartre
- Cyberpunk 2077
- Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
- Cyborg
- D.A.
- Daddy Eyeball
- Daffy Duck
- Dagashi Kashi
- Dagger
- Daiya Higashikata
- Daki
- DaMan
- Damian Wayne
- Dandadan
- Dandy
- Danganronpa
- Dani Moonstar
- Danny (Sonic X)
- Danny Fenton
- Danny Phantom
- Danruto Phantomaki
- Daphne Blake
- Daphne Spankenheimer
- Da Qiao
- Daria
- Daria Morgendorffer
- Dark Horse Comics
- Dark Link
- Dark Magician Girl
- Darkness
- Dark Pit
- Darkstalkers
- Darlene Dawkins
- Dash Baxter
- Dash Parr
- Dave the Barbarian
- David
- Davis Motomiya
- Dawn
- DC Animated Movie Universe
- Dead or Alive
- Dean McCoppin
- Dean Venture
- Death Emizel
- Deathlocket
- Death Note
- Debbie
- Debra Seema
- Debs Turnbull
- Dee Dee
- Dee Dees
- Deidara
- Deidre
- Delia
- Delia Ketchum
- Delicious in Dungeon
- Delilah
- Delilah Briarwood
- Demencia
- Demon Slayer
- Denji
- Denki Kaminari
- Derieri
- Desna
- Detective Conan
- Devil Survivor
- Dexter's Laboratory
- Dexter's Mom
- Diablo
- Dial M for Monkey
- Diamond and Pearl
- Diamond is Unbreakable
- Diana the Acrobat
- Diane Foxington
- Dick Grayson
- Dick Wilson
- Diego Lycaon
- Digimon
- Digimon Adventure
- Digimon Data Squad
- Digimon Frontier
- Digimon Tamers
- Digital Devil Saga
- Digmon
- Dik-Dik Van-Dik
- Dinah
- Dina Sarazu
- Dipper Pines
- Dirty Pair
- Disenchantment
- Disgaea
- Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice
- Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten
- Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance
- Disney's Aladdin
- Disney's Cinderella
- Disney's Hercules
- Disney's Peter Pan
- Doddo
- Doki Doki Literature Club
- Don't Toy With Me Miss Nagatoro
- Donatello
- Donkey Kong
- Donkey Kong Country
- Donna Troy
- Donner (Batman)
- Doom Patrol
- Double D
- Double Love Triangle
- Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks?
- Dr. Ann Possible
- Dr. Drakken
- Dr. Gero
- Dr. Midaenna
- Dr. Stone
- Dragon Ball
- Dragon Ball (Series)
- Dragon Ball F
- Dragon Ball FighterZ
- Dragon Ball GT
- Dragon Ball Heroes
- Dragon Ball Super
- Dragon Ball Xenoverse
- Dragon Ball Z
- Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot
- Drawn Together
- DTiberius
- Duck Dodgers
- DuckTales
- Dumbing of Age
- Dungeons & Dragons
- Dusk
- Dusky Winters
- Dustin Abbott
- Du Ze
- Dyl Piquel
- Dynasty Warriors
- EarthBound
- Easter
- EcchiMask
- Eda
- Eda's Ambition
- Eda Clawthorne
- Eddie Archer
- Ed Edd n Eddy
- Edens Zero
- Edna Krabappel
- Edward Elric
- Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV
- Ed Wuncler I
- Eep Crood
- Eerie Cuties
- Eevee
- Eijiro Kirishima
- Eiko Aizawa
- Eiko Magami
- Eldry
- Eleanor Bate
- Elektra Ovirowa
- Elena
- El Goonish Shive
- Eli Pepperjack
- Eliza
- Elizabeth Blake
- Ellen Dunkel
- Ellie Williams
- Elliot Dunkel
- Elma
- Elza
- Ember Holloway
- Emi Fukukado
- Emi Ogasawara
- Emma Emmerich
- Emma Masterson-Garcia
- Emperor Pilaf
- Enchantress
- Endou Mihara
- Enta Jinnai
- Entei
- Entrapta
- Envy
- Envy Adams
- Er Ar
- Erasa
- Erased
- Eren Jaeger
- Eri Chisaki
- Eric the Cavalier
- Eriko Kirishima
- Erina Nakiri
- Erin Esurance
- Eris
- Eris Boreas Greyrat
- Eromugen
- Ersatzverse
- Erumogen (comic)
- Erwin Smith
- Erza Scarlet
- Eska
- Esmeralda
- Espeon
- Espio the Chameleon
- Esther Hopkins
- Esurance
- Ethan Winters
- Etna
- Euphemia Li Britannia
- Evan King
- Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum
- Everfire
- Everton Costa
- Evie
- Evilyn Frost
- Excel Saga
- Exercise Mom
- Exosquad
- Extreme Ghostbusters
- Eye-Boy
- Eyesha
- Fabio Miranda
- Fairy Godmother
- Fairy King Harlequin
- Fairy Tail
- Faith Park
- Family Dog
- Family Guy
- Fa Mulan
- Fangora Dracula
- Fanny Fulbright
- Fantastic Four
- Fasha
- Fate
- Fate/Apocrypha
- Fate/Grand Order
- Faye Valentine
- Felicia Drake
- Felix Clermont
- FemShep
- Fern
- Ferris Olston
- Fie Claussell
- Fighter
- Final Fantasy VII
- Finnick
- Firecracker Burst
- Fire Emblem
- Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
- Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
- Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
- Fire Emblem: Three Houses
- Fire Emblem Awakening
- Fire Emblem Fates
- Fire Force
- Fire Mountain Bliss
- FireRed and LeafGreen
- Firestar
- First Shoot
- Five Nights at Freddy's
- Flame Princess
- Flareon
- Flayn
- Flim Flam
- Fluttershy
- Food Wars!
- Fortuneteller Baba
- For Whom the Bells Toll
- Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
- Francine Smith
- Frankenstein Family
- Frankie Foster
- Freakazoid
- Freckles
- Fredzilla
- Freefall
- Frieda Reiss
- Friendship is Magic
- Frieren
- Frieren: Beyond Journey's End
- Frieza
- Frisk
- Fritter
- Frosta
- Frosty
- Frosty the Snowman
- Froze
- Frozen
- Fubuki
- Fujiwara Michiyo
- Fujiwara no Mokou
- Fullmetal Alchemist
- Fumikage Tokoyami
- Fumi Manjōme
- Fumino Furuhashi
- Furumi Maimuni
- Fusion Bios
- Futaba Sakura
- Futurama
- Future Bulma
- Future Mai
- Future Trunks
- Future Trunks F
- Fuu
- Fuuta de la Stella
- G.I. Joe
- Gabi Braun
- Gagnort
- Gajeel Redfox
- Galaxy High
- Gallade
- Ganondorf
- Ganyu
- Gardevoir
- Gargoyles
- Garnet
- Gastly
- Gatchaman Crowds
- Gate - Thus the JSDF Fought There!
- Gatitasecsii
- Gatomon
- Gazella
- Gazelle
- GeGeGe no Kitarō
- General Iroh
- Gene Schuller
- Genis Sage
- Genkai
- Genki Sakura
- Genshin Impact
- Gen¹³
- Geronimo
- G Gundam
- Ghost
- Ghost (Character)
- Ghostbusters
- Ghost of Christmas Past
- Ghost of Christmas Present
- Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come
- Ghost Stories
- Ghost Sweeper Mikami
- Ghost Trick
- Ghost Witch of Old Salem
- Gi
- Gilda Gossip
- Gillian Randwulf
- Gillian Sans
- Gina Jabowski
- Gine
- Gin Itsutsubashi
- Ginny
- Ginro
- Gintama
- Giovanni
- Girafarig
- Giyu Tomioka
- Glamrock Chica
- Glassfish
- Glenn Quagmire
- Glimmer
- Glitch Techs
- Gloria Baker
- Gloria Ookanda
- Gluko
- Gnome Alone
- Goben Sonnyson
- Goblin Slayer
- Goblyn Queen
- GodOfChaos
- God of War
- GoGo Tomago
- Goh
- Gohan F
- Goku F
- Gold
- Gold and Silver
- Gold Dust Girl
- Goldeen
- Golden Boy
- Golden Wind
- Gon Freecss
- Good Launch
- Goof Troop
- Goofy
- Goro Akechi
- Gotenks
- Gotham Academy
- Goto Todoros
- Gowther
- Goz
- Grace Ewing
- Grace Sciuridae
- Grammi Gummi
- Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer
- Grandma Spankenheimer
- Grave of Teenage Asses
- Gravity Falls
- Gray Fullbuster
- Green Ghost
- Gregory
- Grell Sissbel
- Greninja
- Griffith
- Grim Adventures
- Growlithe
- Grunge
- Gumbaddin
- Gumball Watterson
- Gundam
- Gundarr
- Gundarr D. Barbarian
- Gunnerkrigg Court
- Gushing Over Magical Girls
- Guts
- Guu
- Guy Hamdon
- Gwen
- Gwen Stacy
- Gwen Tennyson
- Habetha
- Hahaoya Kuroki
- Haikyū!!
- Hajime no Ippo
- Hajime Taki
- Halloween
- Hamano Michiyo
- Hanabi Hyūga
- Hana Uzaki
- Hange Zoë
- Hank Hill
- Hank the Ranger
- Hank Venture
- Hannya
- Hans
- Harkey D. Quinfy
- Harley Quinn
- Harley Quinn (Series)
- HarmonQuest
- Haruhi Fujioka
- Haruhi Nishizono
- Haruhi Suzumiya
- Haruka Hanabishi
- Haruka Tenoh
- Haru Okumura
- Haruta Shigemo
- Haré
- Haré+Guu
- Hatsune Miku
- Hawaiian Coffee
- Hawkeye
- Hayako Nagatoga
- Hayase Nagatoro
- Hayato Gokudera
- Hayato Hayasugi
- Hayley Smith
- He-Man
- Heather
- Heather (Kim Possible)
- Heather (Sing)
- Heather Blair
- Helena Douglas
- Helen Morgendorffer
- Helen Parr
- Helga Sinclair
- Helioptile
- Hello Nurse
- Hellsing
- Helluva Boss
- hentaib
- Hercules
- Hermit Mio
- Hero Kid
- Hexadecimal
- Hex Girls
- Hibakichi
- Hidden Orchard Society
- Hideki
- High School DxD
- Hikari Takanashi
- Hikaru no Go
- Hikaru Shindo
- Hilda
- Hilda (Pokémon)
- Hilda (series)
- Himawari Uzumaki
- Himeka Manaka
- Himeno
- Himiko Agari
- Himiko Toga
- Hina Akiba
- Hinata Hyūga
- Hinoka
- Hiro Akiba
- Hiro Hamada
- Hisako Arato
- Historia Reiss
- Hitch Dreyse
- Hitmonchan
- Hitohito Tadano
- Hitori Gotōh
- Hitoshi Shinso
- Hobbes (OC)
- Hogarth Hughes
- Holli Would
- Holly
- Holu Maimuni
- Homura Kōgetsu
- Honey
- Honey Lemon
- Hong Kong Phooey
- Hop
- Horohoro Usui
- Hotaru Shidare
- Hot Yoga
- How to Train Your Dragon
- Huewgli
- Huey Freeman
- Huntara
- Hunter Springfield
- Hunter × Hunter
- Huntress
- Hyatt
- Hypno
- Hypno's Harem
- Hyrule Warriors
- Hyūga Elder
- Ibaraki Dōji
- Ibara Shiozaki
- Iceman
- Ichigo Kurosaki
- Ichiro
- Idcaeg Somnium
- Idriss (OC)
- Ignorance
- Ike
- Ikkitousen
- Ikumi Mito
- Illyasviel von Einzbern
- Ilulu
- Inamo Maimuni
- Inazuma Eleven
- Incineroar
- Infernape
- Infinity Train
- Inkling
- Inkmethyst
- Inko Midoriya
- Inky the Clown
- Inner Workings
- Inosuke Hashibira
- Inoue Ayumu
- Ino Yamanaka
- Inside Job
- Inside Out
- Inspector Gadget
- Inspector Widgett
- Inteleon
- Interspecies Reviewers
- Interviews with Monster Girls
- Inuyasha
- Inuyasha (character)
- Invade! Squid Girl
- Invincible
- Ippo Makunouchi
- Iris
- Irma
- Iron Maiden
- Iron Man: Armored Adventures
- Iron Valiant
- Iruma Suzuki
- Isabeau
- Isako Toriumi
- Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?
- Issei Hyoudou
- Itona Horibe
- Itsuka Kendo
- Itsuka Shikabane
- Ivysaur
- Ivy Valentine
- Iwasaki Tatsuya
- Izuku Midoriya
- Izzy Izumi
- Jabberjaw
- Jackie Chan
- Jackie Chan Adventures
- Jackie Coy
- Jack Stone
- Jacqueline Box
- Jade Chan
- Jade Cocoon
- Jaden Yuki
- Jaiden Bate
- Jake Long
- Jake Spankenheimer
- James
- James Rhodes
- James Wheeler
- Jamika
- Jane Read
- Jasper Bell
- Jazmine DuBois
- Jazz Fenton
- J David Lee
- Jean Grey
- Jeanine Marley
- Jean Kirschtein
- Jeanne (Bayonetta)
- Jean Spears
- Jeffica
- Jeff Moy
- Jeice
- Jellal Fernandez
- Jem
- Jem and the Holograms
- Jen Masterson
- Jenny Wakeman
- Jessica Rabbit
- Jessica Sherawat
- Jessie
- Jet Black
- Jezmine
- Jikati Chimuroketto
- Jim Hawkins
- Jim Lake Jr.
- Jimmy Harper
- Jim Possible
- Jin
- Jingle
- Jingle Belle
- Jinx
- Jinx (LoL)
- Joan of Arc (Alter)
- Jody Crowley
- Joe
- Johanna
- Johanna (Hilda)
- JohnboyX
- John Darling
- Johnny
- Johnny Bravo
- Johnny Bravo (Series)
- Johnny Test
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
- JoJolion
- Jolteon
- Jolyne Cujoh
- Jonah Bell
- Jonathan Samuel Kent
- Jordan (Inside Out)
- Joseph Gribble
- Joseph Joestar
- Josh Bate
- Josie Schuller
- Joy
- Judge J. B. McBride
- Judy
- Judy Abbott
- Judy Hopps
- Judy Ken Sebben
- Jujutsu Kaisen
- Julia
- Julie Powers
- Juliet Starling
- July 24
- June Moone
- Junichirou Kubota
- Juniper Lee
- Junkaio Raiako
- Junko Inuyama
- Jun Motomiya
- Jun Shiomi
- Justice League
- Justice Society of America
- Justin Tolkiberry
- Juvia Lockser
- Jynx
- Jäger
- Jō Itsutsubashi
- k.veira
- Kaa
- Kabane Kusaka
- Kaede Kayano
- Kagura
- Kagura (Gintama)
- Kai
- Kairi
- Kale
- Kali Neko no Kage
- Kallen Kōzuki
- Kamas Hat-hor-het-aei
- Kamila
- Kannagi
- Kanna Kamui
- Kanojo × Kanojo × Kanojo
- Kaolla Su
- Kaori Makimura
- Kaorin
- Kaori Saeki
- Kaori Sakuramori
- Kaoruko Awata
- Kaoruko Tenkawa
- Kara In-Ze
- Karasu
- Kara Zor-El
- Karen
- Kari Kamiya
- Karma Akabane
- Karmagik
- Kasumi
- Katara
- Kate Bishop
- Kate Hoshimiya
- Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
- Katella
- Katerina Donlan
- Kathy
- Katsuki Bakugou
- Kazuho Haneyama
- Kazuki Yasaka
- Kazuma Satou
- Kazunari Usa
- Kazusa Takatori
- Keenan Crier
- Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!
- Keesha Franklin
- Kefla
- Kei
- Keiichi Oyamada
- Keiko
- Keiko Ayano
- Keitaro Nagame
- Keldeo
- Kelly Clarke
- Kemono Jihen
- Ken Ichijouji
- Kennedy Harper
- Kenshin Himura
- Kento Nanami
- Kero-chan
- Keroberos
- Keyleth
- Khun Ran
- Kiba Inuzuka
- Kida Nedakh
- Kid Flash
- Kid Icarus
- Kid Muscle
- Kieran Moreno
- Killer Frost
- Killer Instinct
- Kill la Kill
- Killua Zoldyck
- Kimberly Ann Possible
- Kim Pine
- Kim Possible
- King Cheetah
- King Dedede
- Kingdom Hearts
- King Kai
- King of Fighters
- King of the Hill
- King of the Labyrinth
- King Vegeta
- Kinnikuman
- Kin no Tori
- Kinoko Komori
- Kintaro Oe
- Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
- Kipo Oak
- KiraKira☆Pretty Cure A La Mode
- Kirby (series)
- Kirigaya Kazuto
- Kiri Uzaki
- Kirlia
- Kirsten
- Kitarō
- Kite
- Kitten
- Kiva Andru
- Kiwi Araga
- Kiyone Makibi
- Kizuku Midyck
- Knives Chau
- Knuckles the Echidna
- Kobayashi
- Kobeni Higashiyama
- Kobi Ray
- Kody Murphy
- Koichi Haimawari
- Koji
- Koji (series)
- Koji Minamoto
- Kokino Noreijou
- Kole
- Komaru Naegi
- Komi Can't Communicate
- Konchi
- Konohamaru Sarutobi
- KonoSuba
- Korosensei
- Korra
- Kota Izumi
- Kotaro
- Koto
- Kotoko Utsugi
- Kou Ichijo
- Kozuki Hiyori
- Krillin
- Kristen
- Krystal Frosty
- Krystal Frosty's Winter Wonderland
- Kumatora
- Kurai
- Kurapika Kurta
- Kurenai Kōgetsu
- Kuro
- Kururu Hiiragi
- Kushina Uzumaki
- Kusuo Saiki
- Kuvira
- Kuzco
- Kwame
- Kyle
- Kylie Griffin
- Kyoka Jiro
- Kyoko Sakura
- Kyōko Machi
- Kōga
- Laala Manaka
- LaBarbara Conrad
- LaCienega Boulevardez
- Lady Alastyn
- Lady Blackhawk
- Lady Jaye
- Lady Killer
- Lady Tremaine
- Laid-Back Camp
- Laios Touden
- Lana Kane
- Lance
- Lance Galahad
- Lan Fan
- Laphicet
- Lapis Lazuli
- La Pucelle: Tactics
- Lara Croft
- Launch
- Laura Matsuda
- Laura S. Arseid
- Layla Delacroix
- Leaf
- Leafa
- Leafeon
- League of Legends
- Leave It All On the Court
- Lee Kanker
- Legend of Zelda
- Legoshi
- Len Kagamine
- LenRinTwin
- Leo
- Leon
- Leonardo
- Levi Ackerman
- Levy McGarden
- Liak Burs
- Liara T'Soni
- Lied Shax
- Lil' Slugger
- Lila Test
- Lilith Aensland
- Lillian L'Orange
- Lilo and Stitch
- Lily
- Lily's Garden
- Lily Roberts
- Lime
- Lin
- Lin Beifong
- Linda Flynn-Fletcher
- Lindsey Thorndyke
- Ling Yao
- Link
- Linka
- Linno
- Lisa
- Lisa Silverman
- Lisa Simpson
- Lisbeth
- Li Shang
- Litten
- Little Bill
- Little Bill Glover
- Little Suzy
- Livewire
- Liz
- Loid Forger
- Lois Griffin
- Lois Lane
- Loki (Bayonetta)
- Lola Bunny
- Lollipop Chainsaw
- Lone Digger
- Lonnie
- Loona
- Looney Tunes
- Lopunny
- Lord Dominator
- Loren Cox
- Lorenza Two-Dicks
- Lorraine Dumpsey
- Lost in the Fright Zone
- Louis
- louisXIII
- Love Hina
- Love in Boom
- Luann Van Houten
- Luca
- Luca Paguro
- Lucario
- Lucas
- Lucemon
- Lucien Vinson
- Lucina
- Lucius
- Lucius Best
- Lucius Wagner
- Luck Voltia
- Lucky Swirl
- Lucoa
- Lucy Ashley
- Lucy Blank
- Lucy Heartfilia
- Ludibrio Chronicles
- Ludsev Munzer
- Lugia
- Luigi
- Lum
- Luna
- Lunaflame
- Lust
- Luz Noceda
- Lycanroc
- Lyhikeni
- Lynne
- Lyra
- Lyserg Diethel
- M.A.S.K.
- Ma-Ti
- Mac
- Mace 'n Jackie
- Mace Mezzenga
- Machamp
- Machete Devilstrife
- Machi Komacine
- Machoke
- Machop
- Madame President
- Madame Rouge
- Madam Jelly
- Maddie Brisbane
- Maddie Fenton
- Madelyn Dinkley
- Madelyne Pryor
- Mae Coleman
- Maes Hughes
- Mafuyu Orifushi
- Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
- Magical Sempai
- Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi
- Magician Sempai
- Magick Chicks
- Magna Swing
- Magneto
- Magoichi Saika
- Mahbu
- Mai
- Mai (Avatar)
- Mai-HIME
- Maid Marian
- Maison Ikkoku
- Mai Twinson
- Mai Zenin
- Majin Buu
- Majin Delights
- Maka Albarn
- Maki Gamou
- Makima
- Maki Sonomura
- Maki Zenin
- Mako
- Mako (Avatar)
- Mako Mankanshoku
- Makoto Kino
- Makoto Niijima
- Maleficent
- Malezor
- Mama
- Mamako Oosuki
- Mamba
- Mamoru Amami
- Mamoru Endou
- Manabu Saien
- Mana Inuyama
- Mandy
- Mankitsu Happening
- Mao
- Maps Mizoguchi
- Mara
- Marceline the Vampire Queen
- Marcie Fleach
- Mare Bello Fiore
- Margaret Smith
- Marge Simpson
- Marguerite
- Maria Ashe
- Mariah
- Marie Kanker
- Marijuana Brownie
- Marill
- Marilyn Piquel
- Mari Mochizuki
- Marina
- Marin Kitagawa
- Mario
- Marisa (Sing)
- Mari Twinson
- Mark Grayson
- Marko Laine
- Marlene Wallace
- Maron
- Marquess of Queensberry
- Marron
- Marshal BraveStarr
- Marth
- Martha Washington
- Mary Jane Watson
- Mary Lane
- Mary Test
- Masao Tachibana
- Mascots
- Masegaki Elementary School Students
- Mashirao Ojiro
- Mass Effect
- Master Raven
- Master Roshi
- Masters of the Universe
- Masters of the Universe: Revelation
- Matama Akoya
- Matamune
- Matriarch Benezia
- Matt
- Matt Ishida
- Mauris Festina
- Mavis Vermillion
- Mawile
- Max
- Max Gibson
- Max Goof
- Max Mizuhara
- Max Park
- May
- Maya Amano
- Maya Fey
- May Kanker
- May Lee
- Mayor Mare
- Mayumi Kubota
- Medicham
- Medusa
- Mega Man
- MegaMan.EXE
- Mega Man Legends
- Mega Man Volnutt
- Megami Ibunroku Persona
- Megami Tensei
- Megan Olsen
- Megara
- MegaSweet
- Megas XLR
- Megerpitoun
- Meg Griffin
- Megumi Fushiguro
- Megumin
- Megumi Oumi
- Meidri
- Mei Hatsume
- Mei Lee
- Melee
- Meliodas
- Mel Jones
- Mello
- Melvin
- Memry
- Meowstic
- Meowth
- Meredith the Mindtaker
- Mermista
- Mervamon
- Metal Gear Solid
- Metroid
- Mew
- Mewtwo
- Mez
- Mezzo Forte
- Mia Mezzenga
- Michelangelo
- Michiru Kaioh
- Mickey and the Queen
- Mickey Madigan
- Mickey Mouse
- Mickie Cummins
- Mic the Jaguar
- Midna
- Midori Asakusa
- Midori Days
- Midori Kasugano
- Mighty the Armadillo
- Miguel
- Miguel O'Hara
- Miguel Rivera
- Mihoshi Kuramitsu
- Miho Shirakawa
- Mii
- Mikasa Ackerman
- Mika Schmidt
- Mike Tyson Mysteries
- Miko
- Miko Kubota
- Mikura Suzuki
- Mildred Fry
- Mileena
- Miles "Tails" Prower
- Miles Morales
- Milhouse Van Houten
- Milim Nava
- Milky
- Milluki Zoldyck
- Milo Thatch
- Milotic
- Miltank
- Mimikyu
- Mimi Tachikawa
- Mina Ashido
- Minako Aino
- Minamo Kurosawa
- Minazuki Juuzou
- Mindy
- Ming Lee
- Minh Souphanousinphone
- Minnie Mouse
- Mino Kahiroin
- Minotaur
- Minotia
- Miraculous Ladybug
- Mirage
- Mirajane Strauss
- Miravi
- Mirei Minami
- Miriam
- Mirio Togata
- Misae Nohara
- Misaki Gundou
- Misia
- Miss Ayumi
- Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
- Miss Piiza
- Miss Sakaki
- Miss Tinker
- Mister Miracle
- Misty
- Misuzu Gundou
- Mitch Mitchelson
- Mitch Tennison
- Mito Freecss
- Mitsen Pakugou
- Mitsue Onoda
- Mitsuki Bakugou
- Mitsukuni "Honey" Haninozuka
- Miyako Ishida
- Miyako Shikimori
- Miyasaka Ryou
- Mob Psycho 100
- Moe Wolf
- Moira Vahlen
- Mokuba Kaiba
- Molimo Maimuni
- Molly Holland
- Molotov Cocktease
- Momo Ayase
- Momoka Sonokawa
- Momomi Momoi
- Momo Yaoyorozu
- MomSwap
- Monaca Towa
- Mon Colle Knights
- Mondo Ohya
- Monique Pussycat
- Monkey D. Luffy
- Monster Cereal
- Monster Rancher
- Mora the Mermaid
- Mordecai
- Morrigan Aensland
- Mortal Kombat
- Moses
- Mother (Edens Zero)
- Mother 2
- Mother 3
- Mother Mae-Eye
- Mother Up!
- Mowgli
- Mr. Flopsy
- Mr. Fujimoto
- Mr. Herriman
- Mr. Kimura
- Mr. Mime
- Mr. Tadakichi
- Mrs. Boonchuy
- Mrs. Claus
- Mrs. Dinkley
- Mrs. Dunkel
- Mrs. Kaidou
- Mrs. Spankenheimer
- Mrs. Stoppable
- Mrs. Turner
- Mrs. Valentino
- Ms. Doombringer
- Ms. Keane
- Ms. White
- Mugen
- Mujou Rui
- Mukai
- Muko
- Mukuro Ikusaba
- Mulan
- Mule ExPress
- Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation
- Mutsumi Otohime
- My Adventures with Superman
- My Deer Friend Nokotan
- My Dress-Up Darling
- My Hero Academia
- My Life as a Teenage Robot
- My Little Pony
- Mysterious Woman
- Mystery Incorporated
- Mystique
- My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU
- Myucel Foaran
- Nadeshiko Kagamihara
- Nagi
- Nagisa Shiota
- Namari
- Nami
- Nanase Kitsune
- Nanashi
- Nana Shimura
- Nan Blake
- Nancy Callahan
- Nancy Takaishi
- Nani Pelekai
- Naoko Katsuda
- Naoto Hachioji
- Nappa
- Nappa F
- Nara Burns
- Narjiro Kirumaki
- Naruto
- Naruto Uzumaki
- Nash Keota
- Nastasha Zabigov
- Natalia Vasylchenko
- Nate Adams
- Natsu Dragion
- Natsu Dragneel
- Natsuki
- Natsuko Shōno
- Natsumi Orifushi
- Natsumi Raimon
- Near
- Near's Drag Race
- Near Hentai Studio Tour
- Near Pokédex
- Neferpitou
- Neito Monoma
- Nekoi Mie
- Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck
- Nemo Anemo
- Nemuri Kayama
- Neon Genesis Evangelion
- Nerima Daikon Brothers
- Ness
- Nessa
- Netossa
- New Year
- Nezuko Kamado
- Ngom
- NHS Bunny Boys
- NHS Calendar
- NHS Fusions
- Nica Kubota
- Nick Carlyle
- Nick Wilde
- Nicola Bunnerson
- Nicole Watterson
- Nico Robin
- Nidoqueen
- Nie Li
- Nier
- NieR: Automata
- Nightcrawler
- Nightwing
- Nijika Ijichi
- Nikki Wong
- Nimona
- Nimona (film)
- Nina Cordova
- Nina Delacroix
- Ninetales
- Ni no Kuni
- Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom
- Nion
- Nobara Kugisaki
- Noel Cypress
- Noelle Silva
- Noemi Steinberg
- No Heart
- Noko Shikanoko
- Nolan Grayson
- Nomura
- Nora Bate
- Nora Wakeman
- Noriko
- Norman
- Nova Nyx
- np
- Nui Harime
- Nurse
- Nurse Joy
- O.D.
- Ochaco Uraraka
- Odd Taxi
- Officer Jenny
- Ogata Satomi
- Ogun Montgomery
- Oingo
- OkieDokieLowKey
- Okpa
- Oliver Townsend
- Olive Silverlock
- Olivier Mira Armstrong
- One-Punch Man
- One-Shots
- One Night in Azarath
- One Piece
- Onmyoji
- Onyankopon
- Ophelia Nuñez
- Orihime Inoue
- Osana Najimi
- Otherside Picnic
- Otona Mitsuki
- Ouran High School Host Club
- Outbreak Company
- Overlord
- Pablo Comics
- Pacha
- Paiman
- Pai Sakura
- Pajama Party Pussy
- Pakunoda
- Palm Siberia
- Palutena
- Pan
- Panchy Briefs
- Pandaikon
- Pandoras Box
- Panpukin
- Pantha
- Panthro
- Panty Anarchy
- Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
- Paradise P.D.
- Paranoia Agent
- Pascal Avaf
- Patricia Bunny
- PAW Patrol
- Pearl
- Peepoodo & the Super Fuck Friends
- Peggy Hill
- Peg Pete
- Peni Parker
- Penny
- Penny (Bigtop Burger)
- Penny (Sing)
- Penny Proud
- Penumbra
- Pepper Potts
- Peridot
- Persian
- Persona
- Persona 2
- Persona 3
- Persona 4
- Persona 5
- Perverted School
- Peter Pan
- Peter Parker
- Phi
- Philip J. Fry
- Phineas and Ferb
- Phobia
- Phoebe Terese
- Piccolo
- Pieck Finger
- Pigeon
- Pikachu
- Piltia
- Pine-Pine
- Pink Diamond
- Pinkfire
- Pinkie Pie
- Pinky the Clown
- Pipo Monkey
- Pirate vs. Ninja Strippers
- Pit
- Pixa Chats
- Pixel Vixens
- Pixie
- Plastic Man
- Pluto
- Poe
- Poison Ivy
- Pokémon
- Pomeline Fritch
- Pomum Vinum
- Pony Tsunotori
- Portgas D. Ace
- Potia Creole
- Power
- Power Girl
- Powerpuff Girls
- Powyor
- Presto the Magician
- Pretty Cure
- Priere
- Priestess
- Primarina
- Prince
- Prince Sidon
- Princess Anna
- Princess Ariel
- Princess Aurora
- Princess Bubblegum
- Princess Calla
- Princess Candy
- Princess Celestia
- Princess Ilana
- Princess Iris Stylish-Sword Belzerg
- Princess Jasmine
- Princess Luna
- Princess Morbucks
- Princess Peach
- Princess Ruto
- Princess Snake
- Princess Tiana
- Princess Zelda
- PriPara
- Priyanka Maheswaran
- Professor Oak
- Project A-ko
- Psycho-Pass
- Psylocke
- Puck
- Puella Magi Madoka Magica
- Purrloin
- Purugly
- Raccoon Twins
- Raditz
- Raditz F
- Ragyō Kiryūin
- Raichu
- Raimundo Pedrosa
- Rainbow Dash
- Rainbow Flash
- Ralphie Tennelli
- Ralph Wiley
- Ralts
- Ramona Flowers
- Rangiku Matsumoto
- Rangya
- Ranko
- Ranma Saotome
- Ranma ½
- Rao
- Raphael
- Rapunzel
- Rarity
- Rattata
- Raven
- Raylude
- Rayman
- Rayman (series)
- Razor
- Re:Zero
- Read or Die
- Reagan Ridley
- Rebecca
- Rebecca Bluegarden
- ReBoot
- Red
- Red and Blue
- Red Robin
- Red XIII
- Reed Richards
- Reefer Madness
- Regenerator
- Reggie Abbott
- Regular Show
- Rei Ayanami
- Rei Hino
- Rei Hōōmaru
- Reiko Mikami
- Reiko Terayama
- Rei Suzukawa
- Ren Amamiya
- Renamon
- Renato Camilo
- Replika AI
- Resident Evil
- Resident Evil Village
- Revy
- Ribrianne
- Rick & Morty
- Rick Sanchez
- Ricky
- Rico
- Rider
- Rika Nonaka
- Rika Shinozaki
- Riley Andersen
- Riley Freeman
- Rimuru Tempest
- Rin Kaenbyou
- Rin Okumura
- Rin Shima
- Rio
- Riolu
- Rio Morales
- Riri
- Rita Ainsworth
- Rita Farr
- Ritchie (Pokémon)
- Ritsuka Fujimaru
- Ritsu Kageyama
- Ritsu Kawai
- Riza Hawkeye
- Rizu Ogata
- Roadkill
- Roana
- Roberta Cisneros
- Roberta Rhodes
- Robin
- Robin (FE)
- Robin Hood
- Robin Hood (character)
- Robotboy
- Rob Reis
- Rocket Grunt
- Rogelio
- Rogue
- Rokkudai Yukiman
- Rolf
- Roll
- Romantic Killer
- Romantic No. 17
- Romeo Conbolt
- Ron Stoppable
- ronzo
- Ropponmatsu II
- Roronoa Zoro
- Rosa
- Rosalind Starling
- Rosalynne Birch
- Roseluck
- Rosemary
- Rose Reginald
- Rose Thomas
- Rosie Evans
- Rosita
- Rouge the Bat
- Roxanne Rock
- Roxanne Wolf
- Roxas
- Roy (FE)
- Roy Mustang
- Rubismar da Costa
- Ruby and Sapphire
- Rudeus Greyrat
- Rudi Wilson
- Rudolph
- Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
- Rufus
- Rugrats
- Rukia Kuchiki
- Rulam Tehnaculu
- Rumi Usagiyama
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Ryan
- Ryder
- Ryoga Hibiki
- Ryoko Hakubi
- Ryoma Takebayashi
- Ryuji Sakamoto
- Ryuki Usagimatoi
- Ryuko Tsuchikawa
- Ryuunosuke Akasaka
- Ryō Kurokiba
- Ryūji Kiyosu
- Ryūko Matoi
- S.H.O.T.A. Project
- Sabagebu!
- Saberspark
- Sabie
- Sable Able
- Sachiko Fujinuma
- Sadness
- Sae Niijima
- Sai's Size
- Saigado
- Saika Totsuka
- Saike Demon
- Sailor Moon
- Saint Patrick's Day
- Sajari Jushi
- Sakie Satō
- Saki Shima
- Sakura
- Sakura Haruno
- Sakura Kagamihara
- Sakura Kinomoto
- Salazzle
- Sally DeBanis
- Salza
- Samantha Eve Wilkins
- Samara
- Sam Ichijouji
- Sam Manson
- Sam Simpson
- Samurai Champloo
- Samurai Heroes
- Samus Aran
- Sanae Nagatsuki
- Sand Land
- Sandra
- Sanji
- Santa Claus
- Sarada Uchiha
- Sarah Adiemus
- Sarah Brown
- Sarah DuBois
- Sarah Hawkins
- Sarah Miller
- Sarasim
- Sarazanmai
- Sasami Masaki Jurai
- Sasha Braus
- Sasuke Uchiha
- Satoru Fujinuma
- Satoru Gojo
- Satsuki Kiryūin
- Satsuki Miyanoshita
- Sawa
- Saya Endou
- Sayaka Kanamori
- Sayo Minakami
- Sayuri Kinniku
- Scarlet
- Scarlett
- Scary Godmother
- School Rumble
- Schuller Twins
- Scooby-Doo
- Scooby-Doo! Abracadabra-Doo
- Scooby-Doo! Camp Scare
- Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School
- Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost
- Scootaloo
- Scorbunny
- Scorpia
- Scott Pilgrim
- Scott William Pilgrim
- Scourge the Hedgehog
- Scrafty
- Scream
- SDTeddybear
- Sebastian Michaelis
- Security Breach
- Sedusa
- Seika Ijichi
- Seita
- Selim Bradley
- Selina Kyle
- Seras Victoria
- Sesshoumaru's Mom
- SFM Compilation
- Shade (artist)
- Shadow the Hedgehog
- Shadow Weaver
- Shaggy Rogers
- Shalltear Bloodfallen
- Shaman King
- Shampoo
- Shantae
- Shantae (series)
- Sharing My Dad
- Sharon Spitz
- Shashot
- She-Hulk
- She-Ra
- She-Ra: Princess of Power
- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
- Shego
- Sheila Sternwell
- Sheila the Thief
- Shelly LaMarine
- Shere Khan
- Sherria Blendy
- Sherry Birkin
- SheZow
- Shezula
- Shigeo Kageyama
- Shiiko Kotobuki
- Shiki Granbell
- Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie
- Shiki Tademaru
- Shimada Mamoru
- Shingo Tsukino
- Shinichi Kanou
- Shinichi Sakurai
- Shinji Ikari
- Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey
- Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne
- Shin Megami Tensei IV
- Shinobu Kawajiri
- Shinobu Kocho
- Shino Sosaki
- Shinra Bansho
- Shinra Kusakabe
- Shinx
- Shiori Fujisaki
- Shirley Fenette
- Shirosaki Shizuru
- Shishka-babewhat
- Shizuku Murasaki
- Shizune
- Shoto Todoroki
- Shouko Komi
- Shouya Ishida
- Shreeky
- Shu
- Shugesh
- Shulk
- Shun Kaidou
- Shuten Dōji
- Shuu Inuzuka
- Shōnen Maid
- Shōyō Hinata
- Siat Wildstar
- Sibella Dracula
- Silas Holloway
- Silica
- Silver the Hedgehog
- Sin City
- Sing
- Sister Ivry
- Sister Lily Aquaria
- Six of Nine
- Skillet91
- Skull-face Bookseller Honda-san
- Slam Dunk
- SlappyFrog
- Sleeping Beauty
- Sleepover Raid
- Slightly the Fox
- Slurpuff
- Snorlax
- Soarin
- Sokka
- Song Oak
- Son Gohan
- Son Goku
- Son Goku Jr.
- Son Goten
- Sonic Boom
- Sonic Team
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Sonic X
- Sonnie the Sluthog
- Sonya Blade
- Sophia Huesos
- Sora
- Sora Kaidou
- Sora Takenouchi
- Sorawo Kamikoshi
- Sorceress of Castle Grayskull
- Sorey
- Soul Calibur
- Soul Eater
- Sowande Sakaki
- Space Beth
- Space Dandy
- Space Emperor Slut
- Space Leaper: Cocoon
- Space Warped
- Spawn
- Special Training
- Speed-o'-Sound Sonic
- Speed Buggy
- Spider-Man
- Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends
- Spider-Verse
- Spike Spiegel
- Spinnerella
- Spirited Away
- Splatoon
- Spookyverse
- Spookyverse Bios
- Sport Billy
- Sprigatito
- Spy × Family
- Squid Girl
- Squirtle
- Stacie Sullivan
- Star Butterfly
- Stardust Crusaders
- Starfire
- Stargirl
- Stark
- Star vs. the Forces of Evil
- Star Wars
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars
- Star Wars Rebels
- Stat
- Stature
- Stella
- Stephanie Brown
- Stephanie Clayface
- Stephen Stills
- Steven Quartz Universe
- Steven Universe
- Steve Palchuk
- Stirrup
- Stocking Anarchy
- Stone Ocean
- Storm
- Streaming with Boys
- Street Fighter
- Strider Orion
- Studio Christmas Party Highlights
- Studio Christmas Prep
- Studio Halloween Party Highlights
- Studio Life Magazine
- Studio Santa
- Studio Tour
- Study Break
- Stunk
- Subaru Natsuki
- Subscriber Scenarios
- Sue Storm
- Sugar Grape
- Sugi
- Suguha Kirigaya
- Suguru Geto
- Suguru Kinniku
- Suicide Squad
- Sukuyo Mankanshoku
- Sumiko Kawai
- Summer Smith
- Sun
- Sun and Moon
- Sunglasses Vendor Kate
- Sunkissed Youth
- Sunni Gummi
- Sunset Boulevardez
- Superboy
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- Superhero Retrospective
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